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Child Health

The Atoka County Maternal and Child Health Service is focused on protecting and promoting the health of Atoka County’s women, children, and families by assessing health status, establishing evidence-based priorities and providing leadership to assure the availability of individual, family and population-based services. 

These services include:

Measurement of growth and development
Vision and hearing screenings
Head Lice Screenings
Screening and referral of problems (vision, hearing, orthopedic, and behavior)
Lead screening

WIC (Women, Infant and Children)

The Women, Infants and Children program is a federally funded nutrition program for pregnant, postpartum, breast feeding women, infants and children from birth to five years of age. The goal of the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program in Atoka County is to prevent malnutrition by providing special packages of nutritious food, supplemented with nutrition education materials and referrals for additional health care.

Who is eligible for WIC Services?
• Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or who have recently given birth.  (This also includes women who have had an abortion or miscarriage.)
• Any child, birth to five years of age.

Who may apply for WIC services?
• Parent, caretaker, guardian or proxy
• Two-parent families, single-mother or single-father families, grandparents (with custody) and foster parents.

What do I do to qualify for WIC benefits?
• Live in the State of Oklahoma
• Have a family income within the program limits
• You may be eligible for WIC if you are eligible for Medicaid, Food Stamps, or AFDC benefits.

What does WIC provide?
• Free information on nutrition, healthy eating and breastfeeding.
• Nutritious foods to add to your diet.
• WIC foods include: WIC foods include: Milk, Formula, Juice, Cheese, Cereal, Beans and Eggs (You may also be able to get Tuna, Carrots, and Peanut butter)

Breastfeeding is best!

Breast milk is the best food for babies. Breastfeeding gives babies the best start in life.  The WIC program encourages women to breastfeed.

Breastfeeding mothers receive additional foods. If you are breastfeeding only, you will receive canned tuna, fresh or frozen carrots and peanut butter in addition to your other WIC foods.

Breastfeeding also builds a special closeness between you and your baby that will last a lifetime.

For more information on WIC and how to apply for WIC benefits or to schedule an appointment, please contact the Atoka County Health Department 

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