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Alerts are important notifications used to notify the user of important messages. There are four different types of Alerts: Primary, Secondary, Success and General.

How it Works

For Global Alerts, the Alert message will show and stack under the global navigation bar. For agency specific alerts, the Alert message will appear and stack above the agency header and under Global Alerts.

The structure of the alert component is shared across Alert types. Within the colored background container, an icon appears on the left, followed by the text message. On the right is a Close X button, which enables the user to close the Alert. Once closed, it will disappear from the page view.

The Alerts are color coded. There are four different types of Alerts: Primary, Secondary, Success and Message. The Primary Alert is Pale Blue. The Secondary Alert is Petal Pink. The Success Alert is Lime Green, and the General Alert is Pebble Gray.

How to Use

Using the Configure Panel, the Alert component can be created in Properties tab. There is a checkbox for the alert to populate. The type of alert can be chosen from a dropdown menu which has four choices: Primary; Secondary, Success and Message. Following the dropdown, is a Rich Text Editor where the author can craft their message.

Primary Alert

Secondary Alert

Success Alert


Last Modified on Nov 10, 2020
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