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The funding portal is now live for TSET Built Environment Grants and TSET Discovery Grants. Click here to apply!

Need help signing up? Watch our Funding Portal Signup Video tutorial to get started.

Sjonna Paulson - Program Architect 

Sjonna Paulson, APR, is a Program Architect for TSET and a graduate of the University of Oklahoma. She is an accredited public relations counselor with more than 30 years of experience in public relations and marketing, receiving local, national and international professional awards. Paulson has been published in scientific journals, presented at national conferences and developed state and national health communication campaigns and trainings. Paulson serves as Co-chair to the Funders Alliance, is an advisory board member of the CDC Media Campaign Resource Center and is a contributor to several CDC’s Best Practices guides.

Phone: (405) 596-9399

Last Modified on Sep 01, 2023