Healthy Incentive Grants - Communities
Improving Health at the Local Level
The TSET Healthy Incentive Grant for Communities is designed to help municipalities adopt and implement best and promising practices for tobacco-free environments, access to healthy foods and physical activity opportunities in an effort to improve the health and quality of life for residents.
The next application period for FY25 is:
March 3, 2025 - March 28, 2025 at 4p.m.
A list of past grant recipients can be found here.
Healthy Incentive Grants - Communities
Download the Resource Guide (application link and instructions inside this guide)
For questions regarding TSET Healthy Incentive Grants, please fill out this form. Please allow 2-4 business days for a response.
- Applications may be submitted at any time during the application periods listed above.
- A hyperlink to the online application can be found within the guidelines, application, criteria and resource document.
- Potential applicants are advised that funds are awarded on a first come, first served basis and that demand under this program often exceeds available funds.
- Applications will be reviewed for funding consideration based upon the documents and information submitted.
- Eligible applications will be presented to the Board of Directors for funding consideration.
- Upon TSET’s review, if any application is deemed to be incomplete, improperly completed or otherwise ineligible based on the information submitted, the application will be rejected.
- Within one business day following the TSET Board of Directors meeting, the contact for each of the applications will be emailed the status of their application. All applicants—funded, unfunded, and ineligible—will be notified via email.
- Board of Directors meeting schedule can be found here: TSET Board of Directors meeting.