Vehicle Titles
A title is a legal form establishing a person or business as the legal owner of a vehicle. When you buy or inherit a vehicle, the title must be transferred into your name to verify the ownership has passed from the previous owner to you. The State of Oklahoma requires titles to be applied and issued within 30 days of obtaining ownership.
Certain vehicles also require registration. To learn more about registering a vehicle, visit our Registrations page.
Which Vehicles Require a Title?
The following vehicles require a title:
All on road motor vehicles
All-terrain vehicles (ATV), utility vehicles, and off-road motorcycles
Travel trailers and Commercial Vehicles
Boats and outboard motors
(in excess of 10hp)
Manufactured Homes
Medium-speed electrical vehicles
(vehicles reaching 30-35 mph within 1 mile)
The following vehicles cannot be titled, however, registration is optional:
Non-commercial trailers, including utility, boat, and farm trailers
As of July 1, 2022 Oklahoma is a title holding state. Once the Oklahoma title is issued, the title will be held by the lienholder if there is an active lien. Beginning November 1, 2023, the title will be held by the state electronically. Paper documents shall be accepted and maintained through June 30, 2025.
Obtaining and Transferring Titles
Obtaining an original Oklahoma title
To obtain an original Oklahoma title you must bring the following documents to a Service Oklahoma or Licensed Operator location:
- Proper evidence of ownership - i.e. assigned Manufacturers Certificate of Origin (new vehicle); out of state title (used vehicle)
- Valid Driver License or FEI Number
- Lien information and documentation, if applicable
- Verification of liability insurance issued pursuant to Oklahoma law (motor vehicles only).
- A completed Form 701-6 - Application for Oklahoma Certificate of Title for vehicles and Form BM-26 - Application for Certificate of Title for a Boat or Outboard Motor.
- Purchase price documentation, a purchase contract, bill of sale, Form 722-1 - a Declaration of Vehicle Purchase Price, or a sales agreement (in the case of an MSO)
- When transferring ownership of a motor vehicle from 2011 or newer, a completed odometer disclosure statement is required. This statement is generally incorporated into title certificate ownership. If it is not incorporated in the title, Form 729 - Odometer Disclosure Statement is required.
In most instances, vehicles which have been previously titled in another state will have to be physically inspected by a Service Oklahoma agent (only available at N Classen location) or a License Operator for confirmation of the vehicle identification number before an Oklahoma title may be issued. This requirement does not apply to new vehicles.
Transferring an Oklahoma title
When transferring ownership of a vehicle currently titled in Oklahoma, the following items are generally required to bring to Service Oklahoma (N Classen) or Licensed Operator location:
- A properly assigned and notarized Oklahoma certificate of title
- Valid Driver License or FEI Number
- Verification of liability insurance (motor vehicles only). Verification form must be in compliance with Oklahoma requirements
- Lien release for any active liens.
- Purchase price documentation, a purchase contract, bill of sale or Form 722-1 - Declaration of Vehicle Purchase Price
- When transferring ownership of a motor vehicle from 2011 or newer, a completed odometer disclosure statement is required. This statement is generally incorporated into title certificate ownership assignments. Form 729 - Odometer disclosure statement
If you currently have a License Plate assigned to you, that has unexpired tags, and you are not changing your registration type, you may bring it to your visit to transfer it to the new vehicle to receive a credit for the time you have left on the tags.
Transferring a title from another state
After moving to Oklahoma or purchasing a vehicle from out of the state, you will need to visit Service Oklahoma (N Classen) or a Licensed Operator location to process your tag, title, and tax to receive your vehicle registration.
Requirements may vary depending on your situation. Visit our Out-of-State Transfers page to learn more about the documents required.
Frequently Asked Questions
To apply for a duplicate Oklahoma title, you are required to submit the following documents to Service Oklahoma (N Classen) or a Licensed Operator:
- Completed 701-7 Application for Duplicate Certificate of Title for Vehicle/Boat/Motor
- The record owner(s) or lienholder must sign the 701-7 form and their signature(s) notarized by a Notary Public. If utilizing a Power of Attorney the Actual Notarized Power of Attorney, or a Certified Copy of the Power of Attorney, must also be submitted.
- As requested on the application, the vehicle identification number of the vehicle, or serial number of the boat or outboard motor is required. Please also include the current registration decal number.
- Either current Oklahoma Registration, or proof of the record owner’s out of state residency
- Out of state residency may be evidenced by an out of state registration for the vehicle/boat/motor, a utility bill, rental agreement, or out of state driver license in the name of the record owner. If the Oklahoma registration is not current and out of state residency cannot be established, all delinquent Oklahoma registration fees and penalties will have to be remitted, along with an Oklahoma insurance verification form, in order for the duplicate title to be issued.
- Out of state residency may be evidenced by an out of state registration for the vehicle/boat/motor, a utility bill, rental agreement, or out of state driver license in the name of the record owner. If the Oklahoma registration is not current and out of state residency cannot be established, all delinquent Oklahoma registration fees and penalties will have to be remitted, along with an Oklahoma insurance verification form, in order for the duplicate title to be issued.
- Duplicate Title Fee of $11 (additional $1.66 mail fee may apply when mailing in your form)
- If you would like to mail in your application, please send it to the address below:
Service Oklahoma
Motor Vehicle Division
P.O. Box 26800
Oklahoma City, OK 73126
- If you would like to mail in your application, please send it to the address below:
There are four different types of title hold. See below to learn what they are and what you will need to do to get the hold removed:
- Document (Doc) Hold:
- You will need to bring the out of state title or MSO to a Service Oklahoma or Licensed Operator
- Serial Inspection (SI) Hold:
- You will need to bring your vehicle to a Service Oklahoma or Licensed Operator for a VIN inspection (there will be a $4 fee for the inspection)
- Document/Serial Inspection (DS) Hold:
- You will need to visit a Service Oklahoma or Licensed Operator location and bring the prior Vehicle Title or MSO as well as the vehicle for a VIN inspection
- You will need to visit a Service Oklahoma or Licensed Operator location and bring the prior Vehicle Title or MSO as well as the vehicle for a VIN inspection
- International Registration Plan (IRP) Hold:
- You will need to bring a current CAB Card to a Service Oklahoma or Licensed Operator
- You will need to bring a current CAB Card to a Service Oklahoma or Licensed Operator
Service Oklahoma will assign Oklahoma lienholders a Lienholder ID number (LHID). The LHID will allow the lienholder to see all liens associated with the LHID on the lienholder’s account in our system. Lienholder IDs are required to participate in the electronic lien and title program.
All lienholders will be assigned a Lienholder ID regardless of whether they opt-in to the ELT program.
Lienholders may also submit paper requests for any of these services directly to Service Oklahoma at:
Service Oklahoma
Motor Vehicle Liens
P.O. Box 26800
Oklahoma City, OK 73126
Some, not all, trailers have titles. If the trailer has a title and is subject to a lien, the title will be mailed to the lienholder.
Each state has different requirements for documentation. Most states will allow vehicle registration with a Certificate of Registration which can be obtained online here while you wait for your title. Some lenders may mail the title directly to the other state.
Once filed, liens will remain reflected as active in the Service Oklahoma system until a properly executed lien release is surrendered. If you have a lien release you wish to submit, mail the lien release to:
Service Oklahoma
Motor Vehicle Liens
P.O. Box 26800
Oklahoma City, OK 73126
There is no fee to release a lien in our system. However, if you wish a new title to be issued reflecting that the lien is no longer active, you may take your lien release and title to Service Oklahoma Licensing Office (N Classen) or Licensed Operator. A new title, without the lien listed, will be processed for a title fee of $11.00.
If there is a lien on your vehicle, the title was mailed to your lien holder. Please contact your lien holder to receive your title.
If there is no lien on your vehicle and it has been more than 21 days and less than 90 days since the title was issued, please contact Service Oklahoma and an affidavit will be mailed for you to fill out and send back for a title.