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Intermediate License

An Intermediate License is what you receive after holding a Learner Permit and passing the drive test. This License gives you additional driving privileges.

Driving Privileges

Driving Limitations

You can drive from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
There are no restrictions if:

  • You are driving to and from activities related to school, church, or work
  • You are accompanied by a licensed driver at least 21 years old sitting in the front seat

Passenger Limitations

You can drive with:

  • 1 passenger
  • OR only household members
  • OR any passenger if accompanied by a licensed driver at least 21 years old sitting in the front seat


Applicants must meet all of the following criteria:

Learner Permit for 180 days

You must have previously held a learner permit for 180 days

  • With Driver Education Completion: Must have held a Learner Permit for 180 days and be at least 16 years old
  • Without Driver Education Completion: Must have held a Learner Permit for 180 days and be at least 16 1/2 years old

Behind-the-wheel Training

Must have had at least 50 hours (10 hours at night) of behind-the-wheel training from a licensed driver at least 21 years old and licensed for at least 2 years

For more resources on how to prepare for your drive test, visit the Driver Education page

Not expired past 3 years

If your permit has expired past 3 years from the expiration date, you will be required to retake the written and drive tests

No Traffic Convictions

Must have no traffic convictions on driving record for 180 days immediately preceding the drive test

Complete the Oklahoma Work Zone Safe course

If you are under 18, you must complete the free online Oklahoma Work Zone Safe Course and bring the certificate of completion to your drive test

Plan Ahead

Find a location to take your Class D drive test at a Service Oklahoma Licensing Office or from a designated examiner at an approved school. 

Birthday cake and "16" candle cake topper

Turning 16?

Get a guaranteed Drive Test appointment with our Sweet Sixteen Guarantee. Sign up now to secure a Drive Test on your 16th birthday or the first date of your eligibility.

At Your Visit

Once you have scheduled your drive test, bring the following documents to your visit:

  • Learner Permit
  • Proof of insurance - security verification form
  • Driver Education Completion Certificate (if applicable - see Eligibility section above)
  • Parent, legal guardian, or a notarized Affidavit of Driver Training
  • Oklahoma Work Zone Safe Course Completion Certificate – online course available for free here

The car you are bringing to test in must:


No pets or additional people can be in the car with you and the examiner.

Take a drive test

During the drive test, the Driving Examiner will tell you where to drive and what driving maneuvers to perform. See FAQs at the bottom of this page for additional information on the specifics of the drive test.

Get your temporary Intermediate License

If you pass the written and vision tests, you will given a temporary paper permit to use until you receive your Intermediate License in the mail.


Passing the Drive Test

The fee to print and issue an Intermediate License is $25.00. Please be prepared to pay this fee.

Failing the Drive Test

If you do not pass the drive test, a $4.00 fee will be added to the issuance fee for each failed attempt.

After Your Visit

Once you have met the requirements below, you can apply for an Unrestricted License.

If you have taken Driver Education
  • Must have an Intermediate License for at least 180 days
  • Must have no traffic convictions on driving record for 180 days immediately preceding issuance of the unrestricted license
If you have not taken Driver Education
  • Must have held an Intermediate License for at least 12 months
  • Must have no traffic convictions on driving record for 12 months immediately preceding issuance of the unrestricted license

Frequently Asked Questions