- Counties, towns and municipalities
- Public works authorities
- School districts
- Districts formed under Title 82 of the State's statutes as follows:
- Water conservancy districts
- Rural sewage districts
- Irrigation districts
Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loans
The CWSRF is a low-interest loan program to assist communities with wastewater and pollution control projects such as municipal wastewater or green infrastructure, Non-Point Source implementation, flood mitigation, stormwater infrastructure projects eligible under the Clean Water Act, or the refinance of existing debt for these purposes. The program is funded by EPA capitalization grants, state matching funds, loan repayments, investment earnings, and bonds.
2026 Loan Forgiveness Presentation
- To benefit a municipality that meets the state's affordability criteria
- To benefit a municipality that does not meet the state's affordability criteria but will benefit individual ratepayers
- 100% of eligible project costs up to $1,500,000
- No cost share requirement
- Documentation required for collaborative funding
- If a Consent Order or Notice of Violation has been issued by ODEQ on the wastewater system, loan forgiveness must be used to address tasks outlined in the CO or NOV
- Entities may only receive one award per fiscal year
- Funding allocation will be based on an entity's Project Priority List (PPL) ranking
- Ranking will be locked in on a quarterly basis
- Should a project not proceed to the OWRB Board of Directors within the quarter those funds are available, existing PPL projects will be re-ranked, along with the initial ranking of any new PPL submissions, at the following quarter
- Secondary and advanced treatment
- Inflow and infiltration correction
- Sewer replacement and rehabilitation
- New collector and interceptor sewers
- Nonpoint source implementation
- Land acquisitions necessary for treatment
- Decentralized wastewater systems
- Facility security systems
- Urban brownfield projects
- Stormwater projects
- Green infrastructure projects
- Energy efficiency projects for publicly owned treatment works (POTW)
- Water efficiency and reuse projects
- Automated meter readers to reduce demand on POTW
- Environmentally innovative projects
- Habitat protection and restoration practices
- Planning/assessment and monitoring practices
- Dam rehabilitation
For more information, see the EPA's Overview of CWSRF Eligibilities.
- Complete the CWSRF Project Priority List Request Form
- Complete the relevant application:
- Prepare supporting documentation:
- Engineering Report following the format adopted by the Funding Agency Coordinating Team (FACT) and any planning or specification documents
- Weighted Loan Term Worksheet for General CWSRF Projects or for Stormwater/Green Projects
- Environmental Information Document (EID) Checklist
- Request for Environmental Categorical Exclusion
- Select bond counsel
- Submit the application and supporting documentation to the Financial Assistance Division at FAD@owrb.ok.gov
Loan recipients must comply with cross-cutting federal authorities. Please contact us at (405) 530-8800 for more information or review our Frequently Asked Questions.
Projects are ranked and listed on a funding Project Priority List. Additional points may be earned based on factors such as the following:
- Project Type Factor (70 points maximum): Projects that eliminate or reduce pollution, sustain compliance, increase capacity, reliability or efficiency, reuse wastewater, or other such improvements receive points that vary by project and/or waterbody.
- Water Quality Restoration Factor (20 points maximum): Projects located on waterbodies not meeting assigned beneficial uses. Points vary by waterbody impairment.
- Water Quality Protection Factor (10 points maximum): Projects for maintenance of beneficial uses located on specially protected waterbodies.
- Programmatic Priority Factor (100 points maximum): Projects that address specific priorities set forth by the EPA or OWRB and detailed in the annual IUP. For SFY 2025, the OWRB will award additional points to projects aligned with Oklahoma’s Water for 2060 goals, projects that implement green infrastructure, applicants that meet the affordability criteria, projects that implement climate change prevention, and projects that are associated with an entity located in an Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan (OCWP) “Hot Spot” basin.
- Readiness to Proceed Factor (400 points maximum): Considers the number of steps completed in the CWSRF process to begin a loan commitment with the OWRB. Project “readiness” includes request for funding, preliminary planning documents, loan application, and approved plans and specifications. Points increase respectively.
- Below market interest rate approximately 60% of AAA market rate with 40% savings through interest subsidy
- 0.50% administration fee
- Up to 30 year term determined by the useful life of project components
- 1.25x debt coverage ratio requirement
- No cash reserve requirement
- Construction draw note with no interest charged on unused loan portion
The CWSRF requires the development of affordability criteria to assist in community ranking across Oklahoma. The EPA requires affordability criteria to include income and employment data, population trends, and any other data determined relevant by the State.