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About Us

The Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) serves as the state's water resources planning and development agency. The state's water business is conducted through a nine-member board appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the state senate. Board members serve staggered seven-year terms and represent each of nine regions. Each member is a qualified elector of the state and at least one member is "well versed in each major water use type: recreation, industrial, irrigation, municipal, rural residential, agriculture, soil conservation, and oil and gas production," with no more than two representing any one sector.


Manage, protect, and improve Oklahoma’s water resources to meet long-term water supply, water quality, flood mitigation, and infrastructure needs.


Advance Oklahoma’s water resource development for a secure water future, resilient economy, and clean, healthy environment for all Oklahomans.

Core Values

  • Deliver Exceptional Products, Services, and Solutions: We provide high quality information, products, and services in the most forward-thinking, cost-efficient manner to solve contemporary and future water issues.​
  • Empower Stakeholders: We actively seek and value input from our stakeholders, which includes all Oklahomans, to inform decisions and actions. ​
  • Commit to Excellence, Integrity, and Initiative: We dedicate ourselves to employing a high percentage of degreed professionals and applying our expertise while maintaining the highest ethical standards. ​
  • Invest in Our People and Culture: We are a family of professionals who value a diverse culture that supports employees through training, opportunity, business tools, compensation, and work life balance.

Commitment to Research

The OWRB actively engages in research regarding Oklahoma's water resources. The OWRB's monitoring program has a long established history of quantitative data collection from many of Oklahoma's rivers and lakes. Groundwater research is also conducted by the OWRB to obtain both quality and quantity data to classify the state's aquifers and determine the amount of water available for appropriation. Other state governmental organizations rely on OWRB data to regulate and aid industries and municipalities in Oklahoma.

Last Modified on Mar 03, 2025
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