- Maximum of $100,000 per project per applicant during any fiscal year
- 15% local match required
- Emergency situation which could not have been avoided by reasonable care
- Applicant cannot reasonably finance the project without assistance from the OWRB
Emergency Grants
The Emergency Grant Program is a point-based program designed to assist communities facing crises which threaten life, health, or property. Examples of an emergency include water well contamination, damage from mudslides, flood-damaged lines, and tornado damage. Failures due to poor maintenance are not considered emergencies.
Applications are accepted at any time.
- Counties, towns and municipalities
- Public works authorities
- School districts
- Districts formed under Title 82 of the State's statutes as follows:
- Water conservancy districts
- Rural water districts
- Rural sewage districts
- Irrigation districts
- Water supply reservoirs
- Storage tanks
- Water supply treatment and distribution systems
- Wastewater collection and treatment systems
- Describe the emergency in an email to the Financial Assistance Division. The OWRB will notify the applicant if the emergency is eligible for funding.
- Prepare supporting documentation:
- Trust indenture or organizational documents
- Authorizing resolution
- Rate ordinance or minutes
- Engineer's report and cost estimate
- Most recent audit or agreed upon procedures (must be less than two years old)
- Verification Form signed by the authorized signer and attorney
- Complete the Emergency Grant application
Applications are ranked based on the following criteria:
- Nature of emergency (50 point maximum)
- Water and sewer rates (13 point maximum)
- Monthly debt payment (10 point maximum)
- Median household income (10 point maximum)
- Applicant's ability to finance the project (12 point maximum)
- Local contribution (10 point maximum)
- Benefit to other systems (5 point maximum)
- Amount of grant requested (points vary)
- Application number (up to 14 point deduction)
Applications receiving 60 or more points will be placed on a project priority list and ranked from highest to lowest priority based on total points. Applications are recommended for approval to the Board when all other funding sources are secured and adequate grant funds are available for obligation.