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Construction & Properties

About Construction & Properties

The Construction and Properties Department (CAP) was created by the legislature by enactment of the Public Building Construction and Planning Act (61 O.S. §202-220). CAP is responsible for the design and construction of state facilities and has authority to contract for design & construction services. The SCA sets policies and procedures as required by statute and directs a team of professionals to assist state agencies in achieving their construction goals.

At project inception, the using agency is encouraged to consult with CAP regarding the appropriate services for their project.

* All Public Agencies (cities, counties, school districts, authorities, etc.) may utilize these contracts in addition to state agencies.


Plan, program and deliver construction and real estate services to support the current and long-range facility needs of state agencies.


Personal or Common Carrier Delivery Only
Capital Assets Management
Construction and Properties
Denver Davison Building
1915 N. Stiles, Room 305
Oklahoma City, OK 73105

State Employee CAP ServiceNow Link

Citizen's CAP Service Now Link

U.S. Postal Delivery
Capital Assets Management
Construction and Properties
P.O. Box 53448
Oklahoma City, OK 73152-3448

Last Modified on Jul 17, 2024
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