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Suspect Fraud or Abuse?

If you suspect or know of someone that is:

  • Selling or giving away formula, foods, or breast pumps purchased by the WIC Program.
  • Selling or giving away formula, foods, or breast pumps on Craig’s List, Facebook, Twitter, eBay, or other  social media outlets.
  • Falsifying information about income or family size when applying for WIC.
  • Accepting WIC for non-WIC approved items.
  • Not authorized to accept WIC but do so anyway.

Report fraud by:

Contacting Oklahoma WIC Service
at (405) 426-8500.


Mail completed form to:

WIC Service
Oklahoma State Department of Health
123 Robert S Kerr Ave, Ste. 1702
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6406

All reports will remain anonymous!

Contact Information

Mailing Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
WIC Service
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Suite 1702
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6406

Physical Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK

Phone: (405) 426-8500
Toll Free: (888) 655-2942
Fax: (405) 900-7576

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


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