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This funding opportunity from the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) provides grants under the Choosing Childbirth (CCB) Act to not-for-profit organizations in Oklahoma for the reimbursement of reasonable expenses of programs providing services, education and resources to pregnant women or women who believe they may become pregnant to make informed decisions regarding the choice of adoption or parenting with respect to their children and to maximize their potential thereafter, up to age three. Please direct any questions to

Program Description

Choosing Childbirth (CCB) funded organizations will provide services, meaning those services that empower women/parents to choose childbirth by providing information, counseling, education and support services that assist pregnant women or women who believe they may be pregnant to choose childbirth and to make informed decisions regarding the choice of adoption or parenting with respect to their children, including additional evidence-based, evidence-informed, or promising practices, early intervention and family support services to maximize their potential thereafter, extending to support the child up to three years of age. The services must be outcome-based with positive results and evaluated with proven methods. Technical support and assistance may be partially or wholly provided by Family Support and Prevention Service within OSDH depending on the program model and services implemented.

Information, counseling and services provided under this program may include but are not limited to:

  • Medical care attention for the pregnant woman for the duration of her pregnancy including, but not limited to:
      • Obstetric ultrasounds
      • Mental health and substance abuse services
      • Nutritional support services
      • Transportation assistance
      • Housing assistance
      • Adoption services
      • Education and employment assistance
  • Parenting education and support services; specific evidence-based and evidence-informed Parenting and Support Services may include but are not limited to:
      • Home visitation models
      • Family Resource Centers (FRCs)
      • Community Health Worker Programs with a maternal-child health focus
      • Doula programs