The permanent rules of the Construction Industries Board are an interpretation and application of the Oklahoma statutes and have been codified at Title 158 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC).
*Effective Date - Indicates the date that the most recent amendments were fully adopted/promulgated. The rules linked below are the most current version.
Only forms and information available on our website under the Forms/Application or Rules/Laws links that have been developed by the CIB have no copyright and can therefore be copied. The forms/applications are subject to change and rules/laws are provided for informational purposes and not an official version. For official copies rules/law contact the Secretary of State Office or State Legislative website.
The OAC is published by the Office of Administrative Rules, a department of the Secretary of State, and contains all official agency rules. The rules listed above are an unofficial copy that reflects to the best of our ability the most recent modifications to the rules. However these documents are not warranted as to accuracy and for official copies you should contact "Office of Administrative Rules."
Contact Information
Office of Administrative Rules
Secretary of State
P.O. Box 53390
Oklahoma City, OK 73152
405 521-4911