Workforce Development
Under Oklahoma Statutes, Title 59, Section 1000.4a the Construction Industries Board can "Enter into contracts with the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education or any Oklahoma State Board of Career and Technology Education fully accredited vocational or technical school or system of education institution in the State of Oklahoma receiving state appropriations and offering programs in secondary and postsecondary instruction that provide electrical, mechanical, plumbing or roofing trade coursework..." The below projects and application are for such contract agreements.
All application approvals are subject to the availability of funds and may be for any amount up to the amount requested. Approval of funds is to be at the discretion of the Construction Industries Board.
Any application submitted that does not meet statutory requirements or contain complete responses to requirements per this application form will be considered incomplete and will not be accepted. If the application is not received by the bi-annual deadline, then the application will not be processed; however applicant can reapply prior to the next deadline.
The current application deadline is July 7, 2025.
Applications can be emailed to Tony DeSha ( or mailed to the Outreach Officer for the CIB, 2401 NW 23rd Street, Suite 2F, Oklahoma City, OK 73107.
Application proposals will be prioritized and evaluated by the Board based upon sufficient justification, project cost, anticipated return on investment, best value and viability of the proposal.
Approved applications or agreements may be cancelled by the Board or Applicant for any reason following a 30-day written notice period.
By signing this application the Applicant confirms the information provided is true and correct, Applicant agrees to provide status reports periodically, or when requested and upon completion of the agreement, reports shall be written to the Board providing an accounting of expenditures, describing an explanation of how the funds were used, the services provided, and the success of outreach demonstrating a return on investment. This report shall include but is not to be limited to: an accounting of accomplishments, number of new or potential industry members educated in or about careers in the trades, etc.
What kind of projects are eligible for this funding?
- Marketing to encourage careers in plumbing, electrical, mechanical, and roofing.
- Instructional material to encourage students to pursue careers in the skilled trades.
- Equipment, materials, personnel, and other cost of developing skilled trade curriculum.
- Equipment, materials, personnel, and other cost of developing workforce development programs for the skilled trades
- The advancement of skilled trade education and workforce development