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About BRIC and FMA

Application periods for FEMA's FY2024 Building Resistent Infrastructure and Communities program (BRIC) and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) opened August 1, 2024. For Oklahoma applicants, more information is available below. Email with any questions about the NOI or application process.

NOI and Application Deadlines

  • Notice of Intent: Open now! Deadline extended due to FEMA grant timeline updates.
    • Please note that all NOI forms must be submitted exclusively through OK EMGrants.
  • Final Application Deadline: TBD - Postponed due to 2024 Hurricanes 

Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs)

  • Release date TBD - Postponed due to 2024 Hurricanes.

Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Funding Highlights

  • FMA program aims to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to structures.
  • Eligible projects include planning, technical assistance, and structural and non-structural mitigation activities.
  • Funding is available for flood-related projects, including floodplain mapping, property acquisition, and elevation.  Elevations/Acquisition must have a NFIP backed insurance policy.
  • To be eligible, community must participate and be in good standing with the NFIP.

BRIC Direct Technical Assistance (BRIC DTA):

  • BRIC DTA provides tailored support to communities and tribal nations that may not have resources internally needed to develop and apply for a BRIC project. Please note the deadlines and application process are different than applying for BRIC. See the bullets below for details.
  • FEMA will select at least 80 new BRIC DTA communities.
  • No requirement for hazard mitigation plans to request BRIC DTA.
  • Apply for BRIC DTA online.

Funding Opportunity Webinar Series

OEM and FEMA hosted virtual information sessions to assist jurisdictions with the BRIC and FMA application process. Webinar recordings and PowerPoint slides, if available, are posted below. 

BRIC and FMA Overview

Developing a Competitive Application Using FEMA's Program Support Materials

Project Eligibility and Application Completeness Overview

Developing a Project Budget and Scope of Work

Applying in FEMA Go

Federal Cost Share and Management Costs

Projects for Economically Disadvantaged Rural Communities and projects that benefit a Community Disaster Resilience Zone have up to 90% federal share.

  • BRIC and FMA generally have a 75% federal cost share and 25% non-federal cost share, however there are some exceptions listed in the bullets below.
  • Up to 100% federal share for management costs.

Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) Updates

  • BRIC and FMA projects less than $1 million may opt to use a cost effectiveness narrative in lieu of the BCA toolkit.
  • Projects benefitting Economically Disadvantaged Rural Communities, or projects benefitting Community Disaster Resilience Zones that are unable to calculate a Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) FEMA may assist them with developing the BCA.  Additionally, for projects with a total cost of less than $1 million that qualify for BCA assistance under this provision are not required to submit a cost-effective narrative. 

FEMA GO Account Requirement

  • To apply for BRIC or FMA funding, it is crucial to have an active FEMA GO account. See attached start up guide. This account is managed by your local FEMA GO administrator and is not overseen by anyone at the state level.

More information will be available once the BRIC and FMA Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is provided by FEMA. 

Questions? Email