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About Us

The Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management (OEM) prepares for, responds to, recovers from and mitigates disasters and emergencies. The department maintains the State Emergency Operations Center which serves as a command center for reporting emergencies and coordinating state response activities. OEM delivers service to Oklahoma cities, towns, counties, tribes and other public and private sector entities through the network of more than 300 local emergency managers. 

OEM also maintains, regularly updates and exercises the State Emergency Operations Plan. The department provides funding and/or assistance to local emergency management departments throughout the state.

Community Preparedness:  For more effective response to a disaster, OEM helps plan, promote and conduct local, state and federal exercises to test response capability. The department also offers numerous training courses throughout the year.

Emergency Response:  During emergencies, OEM coordinates state emergency operations including:

  • Monitoring potentially severe events
  • Evaluating the possibility for securing state, federal disaster assistance
  • Managing state and local resources
  • Providing emergency public information
  • Developing and distributing situation reports
  • Conducting preliminary damage assessments 

Disaster Recovery:  Following a state or federal emergency or disaster declaration, OEM is responsible for providing quick and efficient delivery of state and federal aid to those affected by the event. This includes coordinating the efforts of federal, state, local, volunteer and private organizations to provide relief and establish disaster recovery centers. The agency conducts public information, administers individual and public assistance programs as well as disaster mitigation projects.

Hazard Mitigation:  The mitigation program is available to local communities across the state to assist them with identifying and implementing long-term hazard mitigation measures before, during and after major disaster declarations. Communities are encouraged to work with the state mitigation officer to develop an ongoing program to identify hazards and decide the best way to reduce or eliminate them.

History of the Department

OEM was created as the Department of Civil Defense by legislative action in 1951. Soon after its creation, the Civil Defense agency and the Department of Emergency Resources Management were combined into one unified disaster aid organization. Today, the department serves as the state's liaison with federal and local agencies on emergencies of all kinds. The department is located on the State Capitol Complex.

In 2016, passage of the Oklahoma 9-1-1 Management Authority Act placed the office of the State 9-1-1 Coordinator within OEM. The State 9-1-1 Coordinator reports to the OEM director as well as the Oklahoma 9-1-1 Management Authority. Find more information on the Oklahoma 9-1-1 Management Authority website.

Table of Organization

The OEM director is appointed by and reports to the Governor.

Director - Annie Mack Vest
Senior Advisor
- Steve Palladino
Recovery & Resilience Division Director 
- John Dean
Preparedness & Response Division Director 
- Kevin Enloe
Chief Financial Officer 
- Brianna Thomas
Public Affairs Director 
- Keli Cain
Administrative Services Director 
- Shimeka Mack
Resilience Manager - Michael D'Arcy
Disaster Recovery Coordinator - Samuel Rauh
Technology Solutions Manager - Zak Lagarda
State 911 Coordinator
 - Lance Terry 

Contact Information

Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management

Physical Address:
2401 Lincoln Blvd - Suite C51
Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Mailing Address
PO Box 53365
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73152-3365

Phone: (405) 521-2481
Fax: (405) 521-4053

Office Hours 

Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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