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Federal Emergency Relief (ER) Funding for County Federal-Aid Routes

Recently a letter was provided to County entities describing eligible funding for emergency repairs and eligible permanent repairs to the Counties' Federal-aid routes for ongoing damages caused by May 2015 flooding. Only the Counties Major Collector routes would be eligible for ER funding. Damages to local roads and bridges not on the Counties federal aid system are not eligible for ER funding, but may be eligible for funding through FEMA. Counties may refer to the functional classification maps to determine if a location is eligible for ER funding using this link:

Federal Emergency Relief (ER) Funding for Urban Federal-Aid Routes

Recently a letter was provided to City entities describing eligible funding for emergency repairs and eligible permanent repairs to Urban Federal-aid routes for ongoing damages caused by May 2015 flooding. Only the Cities Functionally classified routes would be eligible for ER funding. Damages to local roads and bridges not on the Cities federal aid system are not eligible for ER funding, but may be eligible for funding through FEMA. Cities may refer to the functional classification maps to determine if a location is eligible for ER funding using this link:

Registration Process to Apply for ER Funding

An online registration and application has been prepared for use in listing damage sites. ODOT encourages all Counties and Cities to register with ODOT online and then create a brief application for any sites in the effected jurisdiction that may be eligible for ER funding. Completion of the Online Registration process is required before applications for ER funding can be created or processed. Registration is open now and may be accessed at this link:

Counties and Cities may then logon and create applications for ER funding. Assistance with the online application process, if needed, is available through the applicable Circuit Engineering District or through the Department's Local Government Division staff or the applicable ODOT Field Division office.

ER Funding Application Deadline


Inspections by the Multi-Agency damage assessment teams are underway and the teams expect to complete site reviews by the end of June. It is important that your sites are listed in the online applications prior to June 30 so the teams can complete their work and assess your site for eligibility for federal aid during this initial review

Sites not assessed by this date may still be eligible for ER funding, and follow-up inspections will be scheduled as requests are received. Applicants must have documentation that represented their damage location at the time of the disaster occurrence (such as dated photographs), if immediate requests for ER assistance for this event are not filed.

The Department has established November 1, 2015 as the final deadline for receipt of online applications for ER funding related to this event (ER-15-1). Eligible emergency repairs completed by this date will be eligible for 100% ER funds.

Last Modified on Aug 12, 2024
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