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Local Government Resources

Bridge Formula Program (BFP)

The Bridge Formula Program (BFP) is federal funding intended to reduce the number of Structurally Deficient (SD) city and county-owned bridges on the off-system in Oklahoma. All bridges receiving funding must be declared structurally deficient. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation will administer the projects and programs. All federal requirements must be met, and these projects can be funded 100% federally.

The Structurally Deficient (SD) Bridge Program assists cities with repairing or replacing structurally deficient bridges within their incorporated city limits. Cities may complete the Notice of Interest to assist the Oklahoma Department of Transportation in prioritizing projects.

The Scour Mitigation Program is designed to correct scour issues on structurally deficient bridges in the city and county systems. Six hundred bridges are currently being reviewed for eligibility.

County Improvement for Roads and Bridges (CIRB)

The County Improvement for Roads and Bridges (CIRB) is a state fund and five-year plan approved by the Transportation Commission dedicated to the county highway system to construct or reconstruct roads and bridges of the highest priority. The funding is split evenly amongst the 8 Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) districts and was previously capped at $120 million per year, with 25% or $30 million going directly to counties. In 2022, the Oklahoma Legislature agreed to raise the cap by $5 million per year for the next six years to be capped at $150 million eventually.

County Equipment Revolving Fund

The County Equipment Revolving Fund is a state-funded lease-purchase program for county equipment. It allows counties to lease equipment from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation with a one-time 3% interest premium. The program's budget varies depending on the annual lease payments from the previous year.

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