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Licensing Window Information: Please be advised that our licensing windows are now located on the first floor. The hours of operation are as follows: Thursdays: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We accept payments via check, money order, and most major credit cards. We do not accept cash under any circumstances.

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Asbestos Abatement Program

The Asbestos Abatement Program ensures that all abatement projects are carried out safely and in accordance with the law. We provide expert guidance, consultation, and enforcement to ensure compliance with the Oklahoma Asbestos Control Act, protecting both workers and the public.

Program Services

The primary functions of our program include:

  • Inspection: We inspect public and private asbestos removal sites to ensure compliance with all applicable rules and procedures, safeguarding abatement workers, the public, and the environment.

  • Consultation: We work with building owners and agents to develop effective plans for the maintenance or removal of asbestos.

  • Training Audits: We audit asbestos training providers in Oklahoma to ensure they comply with the federal "Asbestos in Schools" rule and meet Oklahoma and EPA requirements.

  • Pre-Purchase Inspections: We inspect buildings for asbestos before they are purchased or leased by the Oklahoma Department of Central Services to minimize the risk of asbestos exposure to state employees and the public.

  • Licensing: We license contractors, workers, supervisors, project designers, inspectors, and management planners involved in asbestos abatement.

  • EPA Grant Administration: We administer an Environmental Protection Agency grant to ensure proper management of asbestos hazards in schools under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). Schools are audited to ensure that all asbestos materials are properly contained, protecting students and staff from asbestos hazards.

Last Modified on Jun 13, 2024
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