Current Projects
The IOGCC has a long history of conducting research, collecting and synthesizing data, reviewing collected information and comparing it to benchmarks, and forming and communicating recommendations and findings. The IOGCC continues to serve its 31 member and seven associate member states through the application, development and implementation of federally funded grant projects designed to meet the unique needs of individual states and regions. Projects are designed to support the IOGCC’s mission of promoting the conservation and efficient recovery of domestic oil and natural gas resources while protecting health, safety, and the environment.
Federal grant projects the IOGCC has performed include:
- Specialized training targeted toward regulators
- Specialized training targeted toward small and independent operators
- Regulatory guidance materials development
- Research projects
- Technology demonstration projects
Achieving Results Through Partnership
The IOGCC recognizes that the best way to address energy challenges is through all-inclusive, collaborative projects that involve input and expertise from all key players, including educators, industry, regulators, government representatives, and communities. Utilizing this synergistic approach, the goal is to find system-wide solutions that benefit all parties involved. Partnerships for IOGCC projects include a wide range of participants --- from legislators and regulators, to industry representatives, to content-area experts to communities.
Find out more about the current work of the IOGCC by browsing our list of current projects above.