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About Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission

The Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission is a multi-state government entity that is passionate about advancing the quality of life for all Americans. Without energy, the quality of life we enjoy today would not exist.

It's no secret that American energy is the most valuable to our nation. The responsible development of our own resources not only strengthens our economy by creating and maintaining jobs, but also lessens our dependence on foreign resources, making oil and natural gas more affordable for consumers.

That's why the Commission works to champion the conservation and efficient recovery of our nation's oil and natural gas resources while protecting health, safety and the environment. We accomplish this by providing member states with a clear and unified voice and serving as the authority on issues surrounding these vital resources.

The Commission also assists states in balancing a multitude of interests through sound regulatory practices. Our unique structure offers a highly effective forum for states, industry, Congress and the environmental community to share information and viewpoints to advance our nation's energy future. We stand dedicated to securing resources needed to ensure our nation's energy, economic and national security.


In 1935, six states took advantage of a constitutional right to "compact," or agree to work together, to resolve common issues. Faced with unregulated petroleum overproduction and the resulting waste, the states endorsed and Congress ratified a compact to take control of the issues. The result was a unique multi-state government agency now known as the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission.

Several governors played important roles in laying the groundwork for the Commission in the early 1930s. However, lackluster support of the concept by industry, which at the time favored federal intervention, forced early supporters to abandon their work. A former U.S. Congressman and Oklahoma Governor, E.W. Marland provided the vision and energy to revitalize the notion of state regulation of oil and gas resources, and is considered a founding father of the Commission.

Since that time, the Commission's member states have established effective regulation of the oil and natural gas industry through a variety of programs designed to gather and share information, technologies and regulatory methods. The rich history of the Commission continues to contribute to the success of our nation's energy future.

Former Oklahoma Governor & Founding Chairman, Ernest Whitworth Marland
Last Modified on Apr 05, 2024
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