Formula Information
As of October 1, 2024, the Oklahoma State WIC program's formula contract is with Abbott Nutrition (select Similac products; see below).
All WIC programs are federally mandated to have a formula cost containment contract in place. This savings allows the Oklahoma WIC Program to serve additional eligible participants.
To assist with this transition, some helpful FAQs are listed below:
- All WIC programs are federally required to have an infant formula contract in place for cost control purposes.
- Our current contract is with Abbott Nutrition for select Similac brand infant formulas.
- All infant formulas in the U.S. must meet the same nutrition and quality standards set by the FDA.
- Our contract with Abbott (Similac) contains a variety of products to meet your baby's needs (i.e., milk-based, low-lactose/partially broken-down proteins, and soy-based). Most babies do well on specific types of formula, not brands of formula. For example, if a baby tolerates a standard milk-based formula from one company, they will likely tolerate a standard milk-based formula from another company.
- It is normal for a child to experience some minor symptoms when changing formulas.
- For example, a child’s stool may look or smell different, or you may notice some spit-up. If you have concerns, please contact your WIC Clinic. WIC staff are here to help you during the transition.
- Please contact your child’s health care provider if you see symptoms like a rash, diarrhea,
constipation or vomiting. - When redeeming a new formula with your WIC benefits, we recommend getting one can to start to be sure your baby tolerates it. WIC benefits are non-refundable; if you use all of your benefits and need to switch formulas, you will have to wait until the next benefit period begins.
- Check out our Formula Transition Guide for additional information on helping your baby successfully transition formulas:
- Federal WIC guidelines dictate the amount of formula we are able to provide based on a child's age, breastfeeding status, and the type of formula provided (powder, concentrate, or ready to feed). Different can sizes and brands may yield different amounts per container, however total amounts provided will be equivalent.
- Babies who are fully formula fed will receive the maximum amount of formula allowable based on age per federal guidelines.
- Babies who are partially breastfed will receive a tailored amount of formula dependent on their needs.
- Oklahoma WIC can consider non-contract formulas for some significant medical conditions. If a non-contract formula is recommended by your child's health care provider, they will need to fill out an Exception Request for Formula/Food form and submit to the clinic for consideration.
- Each Exception Request for Formula/Food is evaluated on an individual basis. Submission of an Exception Request for Formula/Food form does not guarantee approval.
- Formula will be assigned to your child during their WIC appointment. You will need to know the formula name, type, and size assigned to your child when you shop.
- As best practice, double-check your balance before going to the store.
- You can check your benefit balance on, by calling 1-866-562-2702, or by requesting a printed balance inquiry from the cashier at a WIC-approved store.
- All WIC approved stores are required to carry WIC contract brand formula. However, there may be instances where a store is sold out of a specific formula. We recommend asking a manager when the next shipment will arrive or calling another WIC approved store in the area to see if they have the formula in stock.
- If families need further assistance, they can contact our WIC vendor helpdesk at 405-426-8505.
- Individuals with questions should contact their local WIC clinic.
- If they are not sure which clinic they use or have additional questions, they can call (405) 426-8500 or email at
Requests can be submitted for non-contract formulas with qualifying medical diagnoses. To request a medically necessary, non-contract formula please complete the Exception Request for Formula/Food form and submit to your local WIC clinic.
Our Oklahoma Formulary and Comparable Formula Reference List can be used for guidance, but it is not all inclusive. Each Exception Request for Formula/Food is evaluated on an individual basis.
Qualifying medical diagnoses include but are not limited to:
- premature birth.
- low birth weight.
- inborn errors of metabolism and metabolic disorders.
- gastrointestinal disorders.
- malabsorption syndromes.
- immune system disorders.
- severe food allergies that require an elemental formula.
- life threatening disorders, diseases and medical conditions that impair ingestion, digestion, absorption, or the utilization of nutrients that could adversely affect the participant’s nutrition status.
Formulas may not be issued solely for the purpose of enhancing nutrient intake or managing body weight without a qualifying condition. Formulas are not authorized for a non-specific formula or food intolerance. Only complete forms will be considered.
- Any formula that is NOT listed below will require an Exception Request for Formula Form:
- Similac Advance
- Similac Total Comfort
- Similac Sensitive
- Similac Soy Isomil
- Most babies do well on specific types of formula, not brands of formula. For example, if a baby tolerates a standard milk-based formula from one company, they will likely tolerate a standard milk-based formula from another company.
- Please see the Comparable Formula Reference List for equivalent formulas, broken down by category. If your patient is tolerating a standard, partially hydrolyzed, soy, or sensitive formula and does not have a significant medical condition, they should be transitioned to the comparable Similac contract formula listed.
- If your patient does have a significant medical condition and/or requires a specialty formula for which we do not have a contract equivalent (for example a premature, hypoallergenic, elemental, added rice, or metabolic formula), an Exception Request for Formula/Food form will need to be completed and sent to the local WIC clinic for consideration.
- Individuals with questions should contact their local clinic.
- If they are not sure which clinic they use or have additional questions, they can call (405) 426- 8500 or email
- Comparable Formula Reference List
- Find a WIC Location - Contact your local WIC clinic with referrals & questions.
- Oklahoma WIC Information Form - This form is to be used by the Provider to provide information to the WIC program if the client is not able to be physically present at the WIC appointment.
- Oklahoma Unified WIC Approved Food Card - Foods provided are specific to client's category.
- Oklahoma WIC Income Guidelines - For reference only client will need to contact the local WIC clinic for more information.
- Oklahoma Exception Request for Formula or Food - This form is to be used for WIC participants needing non-contract formulas.
- Oklahoma Formulary - This document can be used as a guide for non-contract formulas that may be considered by WIC.
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
WIC Service
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Suite 1702
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6406
Physical Address:
Oklahoma State Department of Health
123 Robert S. Kerr Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK
Phone: (405) 426-8500
Toll Free: (888) 655-2942
Fax: (405) 900-7576