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BLACKOUT PERIOD: Please note the commission will not accept complaints that allege a candidate or a candidate committee violated the ethics rules during an election cycle. This "Blackout" period begins the first day that the state election board accepts declarations of candidacy, and it ends on the last day of the general election.


The Oklahoma Ethics Commission, created in Article 29 is required to enact Ethics Laws/Rules of conduct for state officers, state employees, campaigns for elective state office, and campaigns for initiatives and referenda, including civil penalties for violations of the Rules. The Commission may also offer binding interpretations of its Rules.

Annotated Rules: Ethics rules with relevant comments, references, and examples.

Ethics Laws: A compilation of laws that include civil statutes, criminal statutes, and Ethics Rules.

State Ethics Laws

Annotated Rules: Ethics rules with relevant comments, references and examples.

Ethics Laws: A compilation of laws that include civil statues, criminal statutes and Ethics Rules.

Laws governing the Ethics Commission, the conduct of state officers and state employees, campaigns for state office and state questions, and lobbying, include, but are not limited to, the following:

State Constitutional Provisions, Statutes and Rules

Prior Rules and Ethics Constitutional Provisions, Statutes and Rules

Political Subdivisions

SB 1745 - became effective January 1, 2015

The Commission may enact, modify, or repeal Ethics Rules after a public hearing on the proposed changes and will submit promulgated (adopted) changes of the Ethics Rules to the Governor and Legislature in February, on the 2nd Day of the legislative session. Public Hearings will be listed on Meeting Agendas that are posted on the homepage. You may also sign up to receive meeting agendas by subscribing to email or text updates (messaging rates apply) here: Oklahoma Ethics Commission (

Written comments relevant to the proposed amendment may be sent via email to with subject line “RULE COMMENT”, or delivered to Oklahoma Ethics Commission, 2300 N. Lincoln Boulevard, Room G-27, Oklahoma City, OK 73105 through mail or in person.  To ensure written comments are received timely to be presented to the Commission, comments should be delivered as provided above and received by the Commission prior to the hearing date that public comment for the amendment is provided.

2023 Amendments

Request by A.J. Ferate, as Chair of the Oklahoma Republican Party: 2024 ERC 01 Letter

The Commission may issue official advisory opinions interpreting these Rules as provided by Article XXIX, Section 5 of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma and as requested by specific individuals.

  • The Commission shall provide notice of at least thirty (30) days of a hearing on an advisory opinion.  
  • At least five (5) days before the hearing, comments and/or draft advisory opinions by Commission employees shall be made available to the public for comment.  
  • The Commission shall accept both written and oral comments about the draft advisory opinions and/or comments.  
  • Official advisory opinions shall be binding on the Commission.  
  • Failure of an individual to request an advisory opinion shall have no relevance in any subsequent proceeding involving that individual.  

The Commission shall not consider an advisory opinion on an issue that is pending before a court of law or before another agency of the State of Oklahoma.  Any person with knowledge of such pending matter shall disclose such pending matter to the Commission.

Send Advisory Opinions to the Commission by e-mail at or by mail at 2300 N Lincoln Blvd., Room G-27, Oklahoma City, OK 73105.

Advisory Opinions Issued by Commission


Advisory Opinion Draft

DRAFT - Advisory Opinion 2023-01 - DRAFT

Notice for Hearing

Pursuant to Ethics R. 1.7, the Oklahoma Ethics Commission hereby notifies you that it will be conducting a hearing on a draft advisory opinion in response to Advisory Op. Req. No. 23-01. The hearing will take place on September 13, 2024, at 10:00 AM,  during the regularly scheduled Ethics Commission meeting, in Room G-3 of the State Capitol Building, 2300 North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105.  At the hearing, members of the public may provide oral argument, data, or views.

At least five (5) days prior to the meeting, the draft advisory opinion will be released on the Ethics Commission’s website. On release, the Commission will begin receiving written public comments by email at or mail addressed to the Oklahoma Ethics Commission, ATTN: General Counsel, 2300 N Lincoln Blvd., Room G-27, Oklahoma City, OK 73105.


Advisory Opinion Requests

  • SM 2022-01 - Local Government - Deadlines - Office Closures - Next Business Day Filing
  • SM 2021-01 - HB 2087 Office Holder Expense for Caucus Fund and/or Highway or Bridge Signs
  • SM 2017-01 - State Employee Advocating Legislation
  • SM 2017-02 - Consulting Expenses
  • SM 2017-03 - Infrequently Occurring Occasions
  • SM 2017-04 - Generally One Candidate Committee at a Time
  • SM 2015-01 - Tickets to receptions, etc. provided by lobbyists
  • SM 2015-02 - Gifts to the State
  • SM 2015-03 - Lobbyist principal professional organizations
  • SM 2015-04 - Purchases directly by a lobbyist principal
  • SM 2015-05 - Meal to spouses or family of a legislator
  • SM 2015-06 - Tickets to entertainment events

Political Subdivision Laws

Last Modified on Sep 05, 2024
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