Okla. Const. art. XXIX, § 3 requires the Oklahoma Ethics Commission to promulgate Rules of ethical conduct for campaigns for Elective State Office and Rules of ethical conduct for State Officers and Employees, which includes setting civil penalties for violation of these Rules. The Ethics Commission has limited enforcement authority over Campaign Finance and Financial Disclosure for Counties, certain Municipalities, Independent School Districts and Technology Center Districts under 74 O.S. §4262, SB 1745 (2014). Okla. Const. art XXIX, §4(B).
Ethics Rule 6 sets out the procedures for investigating and prosecuting violations of these laws, as provided by Okla. Const. art. XXIX, §4. The Ethics Commission has the authority to investigate possible violations of the Rules and enforce its Rules by civil lawsuits or settlement agreements. Okla. Const. art. XXIX, §4. The Executive Director is also authorized to issue compliance orders for compliance fees to obtain compliance with these rules. Rule 6.19.
Important Documents & Information
Complaint Cover Sheet
Fees & Compliance
View Filing Statistics
Enforcement & Compliance Guide
Administrative Hearings
Administrative Hearings will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge ("ALJ") so long as the hearing is requested in writing & received by the Commission within 30 days of the date on the Proposed Compliance Order. Filers have the option to select the ALJ Hearing date that best suits their schedule, if a selection is not made, Commission staff will select a hearing date for them. Hearings are scheduled through Eventbrite and are open to the public.
FY 21 and FY 22 Late Filing Assessments/Compliance Orders Information
Confidentiality of Complaint or Investigation
Unless the Commission determines that a complaint or a formal investigation should be made public, all complaints and formal investigations, including documents and discussions in executive session, shall remain confidential and shall not be disclosed by a Commissioner, by the Commission or by its employees except to the extent necessary to facilitate or conduct a preliminary inquiry or a formal investigation. However, the Executive Director may confirm or deny the existence of a complaint or formal investigation alleging a violation of these Rules by any individual upon the written request of that individual. A settlement agreement executed under these Rules shall be public record. The Commission may make a complaint or formal investigation and any documents relating thereto public at any time it deems release of that information to be in the public interest. See Ethics Rule 6.9 for reference.
Publication of Information in the Public Interest
Settlement Agreements
- Case No. 2022-25 In re AjayPittman2020, a candidate committee, Anastasia Pittman, as Chair, Naomi Jenkins, Treasurer, Ajay for House99 2022, a candidate committee, Anastasia Pittman, as Candidate, Chair and Treasurer
- Case No. 2022-04 In re Oklahoma Quarter Horse Racing PAC, an Oklahoma limited committee
- Case No. 2022-03 In re Oklahoma Rural Water Association PAC, an Oklahoma limited committee
- CV-2019-298 (Oklahoma County) In re Lucas Craig Cannon and Cannon for House 2018
- CV-2019-293 (Oklahoma County) In re Erick Paul Wyatt and Merle Boyd
- CV-2019-292 (Oklahoma County) In re David Weir
- CV-2019-66 (Oklahoma County) In re Michael Beavor
- CV-2019-65 (Oklahoma County) In re Marina Mangiaracina and Marina Mangiaracina 2018
- CV-2019-63 (Oklahoma County) In re Tyler Grey and Tyler Grey Committee
- CV-2019-59 (Oklahoma County) In re Caryl Talley, Candidate and Carrie Hulsey-Green, Treasurer and Friends of Caryl Talley 2016
- Case No. 2019-06 In re Kendra Coleman for District Judge 2018, a candidate committee, Kendra Coleman, individually and as candidate and Chair, Amber Williams, as treasurer, Joe E. White, Jr., individually, and White & Weddle, P.C., a professional corporation
- Case No. 2019-04. In re Carl Parson, Candidate, Larry Barnes, Chair and Gary Barnes, Treasurer for Carl Parson House District 8, 2016 & 2020
- Case No. 2018-19. In re Wilson for State House 2018, and David Wilson
- Case No. 2018-15. In re Citizens of Tulsa, LLC
- Case No. 2018-14. In re Committee to Elect Sean Fortenbaugh Ward 6 Lawton City Council
- Case No. 2018-11. In re Hoguen Apperson 2016; Terra Apperson, Treasurer and Hoguen Apperson, Candidate
- Case No. 2018-10. In re Chris Marston, Individually and as Treasurer of Conservative Alliance PAC
- Case No. 2018-01. In re Oklahoma Podiatric Association PAC
- Case No. 2017-14. In re Scott Biggs and Friends of Scott Biggs 2014 and Scott Biggs 2016
- Case No. 2017-12. In re Associated General Contractors Oklahoma PAC
- Case No. 2017-10. In re James McSpadden - Treasurer of Oklahomans for Healthy Living
- Case No. 2017-10. In re James Milner - Chair of Oklahomans for Healthy Living
- Case No. 2017-10. In re Stephanie Milligan - Treasurer for Oklahomans for Healthy Living