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Do you need to Renew a Registration or File an Entirely New Registration?

All current Calendar Year 2024 lobbyist or liaison registrations automatically expire December 31, 2024. This expiration will not prevent currently registered lobbyists and liaisons from filing their final report for registration year 2024 which is due between January 1 and January 15, 2025.


New Lobbyists or Liaisons:  If you have not been registered to lobby in Oklahoma since Calendar year 2015, or if you have never registered in Oklahoma, you must register with the Commission between December 1, 2024 and January 15, 2025 if you are going to engage in lobbying activities in 2025.

Local Campaigns

County, Municipal Campaigns, and Independent School District or Career Technology District Committees receiving in excess of $1,000 or with expenditures in excess of $1,000 will file reports with the County Election Board, Municipal Clerk or School District Clerk respectively using forms provided.

Important Documents & Information

2024 Local Candidate Packet

Local Intro & Resource Letter

Candidate Guide

Contribution Chart

County Campaigns

Financial Disclosure (For Elected Officials Only)

Reporting Dates: File reports quarterly, unless an election is held before the next quarterly report is due. If an election is held use the Reporting information below.

The Commission DOES NOT provide Local Government (counties, municipalities, independent school districts, or technology center districts) Campaign Finance reporting calendars to candidates, due to the number of local governments and variety in number of regular and special elections. However, it does provide the following information to assist filer's in determining when reports are due.

County Candidate Checklists

County Election Board Checklist


These documents were created to educate candidates in specific areas of concern, to provide additional information, and to give direction to assist in following the Ethics Rules.

Beginning January 2015, County committees receiving in excess of $1,000 or with expenditures in excess of $1,000 will file paper reports with the County Election Board. Please use the following fillable forms for submission:

Candidate Committee Political Committee

Statement of Organization

Contributions and Expenditures Summary Report

Continuing Report of Contributions


Statement of Organization

County Political Committee Summary

Electioneering Communications and Independent Expenditures Report

Each Quarterly or Pre-Election Contributions and Expenditures Report should include a “Contributions and Expenditures Summary” Report and only the applicable schedules (A-J) used for that report.  Candidates continue reporting until a (1) report marked final is filed; and (2) the account is dissolved, in accordance with the Ethics Rules.

Municipal Campaigns

Only municipalities that meet both of the following criteria are within the jurisdiction of the Ethics Commission for Campaign Finance and Financial Disclosure. (11 O.S. § 56-103, et seq.).

  1. a population of more than 10,000 according to the most recent Federal Decennial Census; and
  2. a general revenue fund expenditure budget in excess of Ten Million Dollars.

Financial Disclosure (For Elected Officials Only)

Reporting Dates: File reports quarterly, unless an election is held before the next quarterly report is due. If an election is held use the Reporting information below.

The Commission DOES NOT provide Local Government (counties, municipalities, independent school districts, or technology center districts) Campaign Finance reporting calendars to candidates, due to the number of local governments and variety in number of regular and special elections. However, it does provide the following information to assist filer's in determining when reports are due.



These documents were created to educate candidates in specific areas of concern, to provide additional information, and to give direction to assist in following the Ethics Rules.

Beginning January 2015, Municipal committees receiving in excess of $1,000 or with expenditures in excess of $1,000 will file paper reports with the Municipal Clerk.  Please use the following fillable forms for submission:

Municipal Candidate Committee Municipal Political Committee

Statement of Organization

Contributions and Expenditures Summary Report

Continuing Report of Contributions


Statement of Organization

Municipal Political Committee Summary

Electioneering Communications and Independent Expenditures Report

Each Quarterly or Pre-Election Contributions and Expenditures Report should include a “Contributions and Expenditures Summary” Report and only the applicable schedules (A-J) used for that report.  Candidates continue reporting until a (1) report marked final is filed; and (2) the account is dissolved, in accordance with the Ethics Rules.

School & Technology Center District Campaigns

Financial Disclosure (For Elected Officials Only)

Reporting Dates: File reports quarterly, unless an election is held before the next quarterly report is due. If an election is held use the Reporting information below.

The Commission DOES NOT provide Local Government (counties, municipalities, independent school districts, or technology center districts) Campaign Finance reporting calendars to candidates, due to the number of local governments and variety in number of regular and special elections. However, it does provide the following information to assist filer's in determining when reports are due.

School district Checklists

school district clerk Checklists


These documents were created to educate candidates in specific areas of concern, to provide additional information, and to give direction to assist in following the Ethics Rules.

Beginning January 2015, School and Technology Center District committees receiving in excess of $1,000 or with expenditures in excess of $1,000 will file paper reports with the School District Clerk.  Please use the following fillable forms for submission:

ISD-TCD Candidate Committee ISD-TCD Political Committee

Statement of Organization

Contributions and Expenditures Summary Report

Continuing Report of Contributions


Statement of Organization

ISD-TCD Political Committee Summary

Electioneering Communications and Independent Expenditures Report

Each Quarterly or Pre-Election Contributions and Expenditures Report should include a “Contributions and Expenditures Summary” Report and only the applicable schedules (A-J) used for that report.  Candidates continue reporting until a (1) report marked final is filed; and (2) the account is dissolved, in accordance with the Ethics Rules.

Last Modified on Aug 19, 2024
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