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Do you need to Renew a Registration or File an Entirely New Registration?

All current Calendar Year 2024 lobbyist or liaison registrations automatically expire December 31, 2024. This expiration will not prevent currently registered lobbyists and liaisons from filing their final report for registration year 2024 which is due between January 1 and January 15, 2025.


New Lobbyists or Liaisons:  If you have not been registered to lobby in Oklahoma since Calendar year 2015, or if you have never registered in Oklahoma, you must register with the Commission between December 1, 2024 and January 15, 2025 if you are going to engage in lobbying activities in 2025.


An important function of the Oklahoma Ethics Commission is providing educational programing and training materials for Candidates, Public Officials, State Officers/Employees, PACs, Lobbyists, and interested members of the public.  The more individuals know and understand about the rules and system of reporting, the more likely we are to accomplish the desired transparency and ethics to defend against corruption.  The Commission prides itself on providing multiple training options: in-person/live, self-directed, and print/electronic guides. More details coming soon below.

Committee Information

The Oklahoma Ethics Commission periodically provides education programs for candidate committees. The Commission offers candidate workshops, which discuss the Ethics Rules as they apply to candidate committees, and candidate committee dissolution and transition programs, which provide guidance to candidate committees on dissolving the committee and transitioning from one candidate committee to another.   Review the applicable guides under the “Resources” tab. Contact the Ethics Commission staff at (405) 521-3451 or with any questions.

The Oklahoma Ethics Commission offers continuing education programs for political action committees on a quarterly basis. Review the applicable guides under the “Resources” tab. Contact the Ethics Commission staff at (405) 521-3451 or with any questions.

Regularly scheduled education classes are currently suspended.  However, classes may still be offered, and may be requested by email to  OEC staff will provide classes upon request only as resources allow.  Classes may be via videoconferencing or other electronic means rather than in person.  To sign up for notifications for when classes are offered please click here.

The Oklahoma Ethics Commission offers continuing education programs for political party committees (local and state) on a yearly basis. Such programs are offered annually in July.   The programs provide an overview of the Ethics Commission rules as they apply to political parties, as well as examples of common scenarios. 

Review the applicable guides under the “Resources” tab. Contact the Ethics Commission staff at (405) 521-3451 or with any questions.

Regularly scheduled education classes are currently suspended.  However, classes may still be offered, and may be requested by email to  OEC staff will provide classes upon request only as resources allow.  Classes may be via videoconferencing or other electronic means rather than in person.  To sign up for notifications for when classes are offered please click here.

The continuing education programs for legislative and executive lobbyists provide an overview of the Ethics Commission rules as they apply to lobbyists, as well as examples of common scenarios.  Review the applicable guides under the “Resources” tab. Contact the Ethics Commission staff at (405) 521-3451 or with any questions.

Regularly scheduled education classes are currently suspended.  However, classes may still be offered, but not on a regular schedule and may be via videoconferencing or other electronic means rather than in person.  To sign up for notifications for when classes are offered please click here.

The Oklahoma Ethics Commission offers continuing education programs for state officers and employees on a quarterly basis.The programs provide an overview of the Ethics Commission rules as they apply to state officers and employees, as well as examples of common scenarios. Review the applicable guides under the “Resources” tab. Contact the Ethics Commission staff at (405) 521-3451 or with any questions.

Regularly scheduled education classes are currently suspended.  However, classes may still be offered, but not on a regular schedule and may be via videoconferencing or other electronic means rather than in person.  To sign up for notifications for when classes are offered please click here.

Regularly scheduled education classes are currently suspended.  Please review the "Guardian System Overview" document below,  one-on-one trainings with a compliance officer may be requested but limited on availability. Contact the Ethics Commission staff at (405) 521-3451 or to set up an appointment. One-on-one Guardian training is unavailable during the last 5 days of a filing period.

Other Resources

Last Modified on Aug 19, 2024
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