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Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)

A comprehensive tabulation of data on the number of establishments, monthly employment and quarterly wages for workers covered by State unemployment insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) program. The interactive charts and tables below display current and historical data. Oklahoma, counties, and metropolitan areas can be explored by using the tabs at the top of the frame. For more information, see the Tableau Guide. For the best view, click the full-screen icon.

QCEW Imputation Issue Caused by Pandemic-Related Challenges

In the spring of 2020, BLS modified its imputation process for QCEW to be more responsive to current economic conditions. While continuing work to improve this process, BLS made an unintended data processing error. This error affected data for the second, third, and fourth quarters of 2020. BLS has analyzed this issue and has determined that the impact on QCEW employment was negligible at the statewide level. In smaller areas and industries revisions may be larger than usual. Wage data were not affected. Following the usual QCEW practice these data will be revised and corrected with the full data update on September 1, 2021. For more information on QCEW imputation methodology, see

Bureau of Labor Statistics QCEW Location Quotient Calculator
An online tool that creates, on demand, tables of private-sector employment data, by industry, as measured by the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program. The calculator allows the ready comparison of relative employment levels in the United States, states, counties, and Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs).

Bureau of Labor Statistics QCEW data for all U.S. states and counties (annual and quarterly)

Business Employment Dynamics
This program is a set of statistics generated from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, or ES-202, program. These quarterly data series consist of gross job gains and gross job losses statistics from 1992 forward and help to provide a picture of the dynamic state of the labor market.

2023 Oklahoma QCEW Annual Handbook [PDF]
This publication contains the average annual employment and payroll figures. It includes covered employment and average weekly earnings figures by major industry division for every county in the state and the Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Lawton, and Enid Metropolitan Statistical Areas. Data was tabulated from the quarterly contributions reports and Multiple Work-site Report supplements submitted by employers subject to the Oklahoma Employment Security Act.

This report is published annually. If you need additional publications, have any questions, or require additional information, please contact Shirley Zhang at (405) 557-7172 or by e-mail:


Covered Employment: Covered employment is the number of workers employed by employers subject to the Oklahoma Employment Security Act (latest version found HERE) during the monthly payroll period, which includes the 12th day of the month. Covered employees in the private sector and the state and local government include most corporate officials, all executives, all supervisory personnel, all professionals, all clerical workers, many farmworkers, all wage earners, all pieceworkers, and all part-time workers. Workers on paid sick leave, paid holiday, paid vacation, and the like are also covered. Federal employment data are based on reports of monthly employment and reports of quarterly wages, both submitted quarterly to state agencies. Reports are submitted for all federal installations with employees covered by the act, except for certain national security agencies, which are excluded for security reasons.

Total Wages: The annual total wage figures and the average weekly wages used in this publication include all wages and salaries paid to federal and covered employees, including bonuses, commissions, and cash value of all remuneration received in any medium other than cash. These wages include both taxable and non-taxable wages.

Data Confidentiality: To maintain the confidentiality of respondents, the publication of confidential data is withheld based on the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics guidelines.

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