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Employee Separations

Employers have certain rights and responsibilities when it comes to employees who separate from employment, whether voluntarily or involuntarily. Employers can find information below on how to handle employee separations, respond to separation notices and make use of available resources.

When an unemployment claim is filed by an individual, the employer is mailed a Notice of Application for Unemployment Compensation (OES-617). Employers may also elect to receive an electronic notification and review the details of the notice through OESC’s Employer Portal. This notice will include the reason the claimant provided that led to their separation. It is important to respond to the notice, as failure to do so could impact an employer's tax rate. 

To save time and effort, employers are encouraged to pre-file any separations. In this instance, the moment an employee is separated from employment, the employer can provide a statement upfront. This eliminates the need to wait for a separation notice and respond at that time.

Any employer who knowingly makes a false statement, fails to disclose material facts or who willfully fails or refuses to furnish appropriate records when requested or inspected by OESC is committing a crime and will be prosecuted. Punishments can include fines and imprisonment.

If you are made aware of an employee working and still collecting unemployment benefits, please contact OESC 405-552-6799. Fraudulent unemployment claims can also be reported using the agency's online fraud form.

Employers can manage their accounts, view and respond to separation notices and sign up for electronic notifications of separation notices through OESC's Employer Portal.

Respond to Employee Separations

If an employer disagrees with the claimant’s statement, they are encouraged to respond to or protest the separation notice online through the OESC Employer Portal or via SIDES Web Services or E-Response.

The State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES) was developed through a strategic partnership between the United States Department of Labor and state unemployment insurance agencies to provide employers and third-party administrators a free, secure and nationally standardized electronic format for responding to employee separations. When responding to employee separations using SIDES, users can attach documentation as needed and receive a date-stamped confirmation of receipt.

Watch a short video detailing the different SIDES options

Watch a short video introducing the benefits to SIDES E-Response

SIDES Web Services Vs SIDES E-Response

SIDES Web Services

  • Ideal for large employers with numerous separations.
  • Provides automated data exchange between employer's IT systems and state UI agency that requires IT work from employer to integrate, which may involve expenses the employer is responsible for.
  • Must have Oklahoma UI Tax Account number.
  • Must contact OESC at to set up.

SIDES E-Response

  • Ideal for small to medium sized employers with few separations.
  • Available through OESC's Employer Portal.
  • Must have Oklahoma UI Tax Account number.
  • Employers eligible for E-Response will be notified in a Notice of Application for Unemployment Compensation (OES-617).                                     

For questions or assistance with SIDES, contact OESC at


OESC provides a variety of free services to employers and their employees when it becomes necessary to downsize. The agency aims to help workers transition from notification of layoff to reemployment as quickly as possible and support employers to provide a smooth and efficient process.

Mass claims simplify the unemployment benefit process for employers dealing with layoffs. Employers can provide relevant details in advance like basic worker information to initiate claims and worker's final earnings. Doing so ensures accurate payment, smoother transitions and more efficient claims processing in comparison to individual submissions.

Note: When filing mass claims, employers won’t receive individual Notices of Application for Unemployment Benefits (OES-617) for each employee, but will automatically become a party of interest to each claim.

Requirements to File a Mass Claim

To file a mass claim, employers must meet the below requirements:

  • Laying off 25 or more employees
  • Have a return to work date that is eight weeks or less away

Mass Claims Help

Detailed instructions for submitting a mass claim can be viewed via the button below. For questions about mass claims call 405-557-7244 or email

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