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Holiday notice: OESC offices will be closed Monday, February 17 for Presidents’ Day. Weekly benefit payments and automatic transfers may be delayed due to bank closures during the holiday.


OESC offers various resources and programs to help individuals who are looking to apply for unemployment benefits, start a new career, reenter the workforce or overcome barriers to employment.



Receiving Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment Insurance (UI) is a temporary supplemental income for individuals who have experienced a loss of work due to no fault of their own and who worked for a covered employer that paid UI tax. To get started, or for more information, click the button below.



Find Employment & Training Opportunities

OESC offers various programs and resources at no charge to help job seekers along their journey to start a new career, reenter the workforce or overcome a barrier to employment. Check out some of the specific programs, services and resources available to job seekers by clicking the button below.





Services for Veterans

OESC provides a wide range of services specifically designed for veterans, focusing on employment services to help them navigate the job market. Through these resources, veterans can access valuable support and information to improve their job opportunities and succeed in their careers.

Migrant & Seasonal Farmworkers

This program offers direct support to migrant and seasonal farm workers, ensuring that the services provided to them are fair and equitable to those offered to other job seekers.

Workplace Law Complaints

Individuals can submit complaints to OESC for a current, former or potential employer who they believe has violated workplace laws. OESC helps to connect complaints to the appropriate enforcement authority.

Unemployment Fraud

Learn about common types of fraud and how to report fraudulent activity to OESC to stay protected. Fraudulent activities are illegal and taken very seriously. 

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