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Local Outreach

The Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (OHSO) partners with the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office to provide traffic safety education and outreach programs throughout the state, which include simulators demonstrating the risks of impaired and distracted driving, along with the importance of occupant protection.

If you have questions about these outreach programs, contact Sgt. Christy Yokley, the Traffic Safety Educator at the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office, by calling (405) 650-3264 or emailing You can also contact Sgt. Eric Kirby by calling (405) 802-5136 or emailing

For all other outreach inquiries, contact the OHSO.

Sergeant Christy Yokley

Sergeant Christy Yokley

Sergeant Yokley is a native Oklahoman born and raised in Midwest City. She graduated from Rose State College with an associate degree in Secondary Education, along with both a bachelor’s in Family & Consumer Sciences Education and a master's in Adult Education-Community Service from the University of Central Oklahoma. Christy joined the law enforcement in 2000, starting her career at the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office as a reserve Deputy Sheriff and worked her way up to full-time Deputy Sheriff.

In February 2019, Yokley was promoted to Sergeant and assigned to work with OHSO as a statewide Traffic Safety Educator. Currently, she is also a CLEET instructor, a certified driver’s education instructor and a DPS-approved defensive driving instructor.

Sergeant Eric Kirby

Sergeant Kirby was born and raised in Oklahoma. Eric began his career in law enforcement in March of 2001. While at the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office Eric began as a Detention Officer inside the Oklahoma County Detention Center. While assigned to the Detention Center Eric moved up to the rank of Sergeant and was also an instructor for the Sheriff’s Emergency Response Team (S.E.R.T.). Upon becoming a full-time deputy sheriff Eric was assigned to the Community Services Division of the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office as a NASRO certified  School Resource Officer for 9 years. Eric is currently a De-Escalation Instructor.

In March 2022, Eric was promoted to Sergeant and assigned to work with the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office as a statewide Traffic Safety Educator.

Sergeant Eric Kirby

Traffic Safety Event Request Form

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Last Modified on Dec 13, 2023
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