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Thrive conducts in-person or virtual presentations for state agencies and conferences upon request. Below is a list of prepared presentations, but if you have another topic of interest, we are glad to oblige.

Please click here to contact Thrive with any requests.

Stress Management
This topic covers the causes of stress, how it affects our physical and emotional well-being and how to recognize signs and symptoms. Attendees will learn and practice effective techniques to prevent and manage stress at work or home.

Improve and Maintain Brain Health With Simple Lifestyle Choices
This topic covers brain function and health via exercise, nutrition, sleep and stress management. Attendees will gain an understanding of how these lifestyle activities can maximize the functioning and maintenance of the brain. No matter one’s age, you can still generate new brain cells and improve learning and cognition.

Components of Health-Related Fitness
This topic covers exercise activities to improve physical health and stay healthy, which is different than skill-related fitness used in sports activities. This presentation covers cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, muscular endurance and body composition.

Anatomy of Goal-Setting
This topic explores different components of motivation and what it looks like for individuals. Using the 5 Ds of successful goal setting:

  • Dream
  • Development
  • Daily
  • Dignity
  • Dynamics With Those Involved

These goals are broken down into achievable steps that help you accomplish where you want to be in your life and well-being.

Last Modified on May 16, 2024
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