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SLS Training Schedule

OMES Statewide Learning Services (SLS) maintains an on-going schedule of management, leadership and skill-based classes available to all public employees. Please subscribe to receive notifications of new schedules and updates on SLS offerings.

Course Schedule

Register for each webinar through Workday@OK. Each webinar is limited to 500 participants and counts for mandatory supervisory credit. Check Workday@OK for in-person training locations. If you have any questions, email Statewide Learning Services.

Please note: SLS does not award credit for partial attendance. You must attend an entire course to receive full credit.

January 2025

Date Course name Venue
Jan. 22 Hope Awareness Microsoft Teams
Jan. 22 Calling Up, Not Calling Out Microsoft Teams
Jan. 23 Radical Candor Webinar Series (1 of 3) Microsoft Teams
Jan. 28 Peace Index Microsoft Teams
Jan. 29 5 Voices Series (1 of 5) Microsoft Teams
Jan. 30 Radical Candor Webinar Series (2 of 3) Microsoft Teams

February 2025

Date Course name Venue
Feb. 4 Burnout 101 Microsoft Teams
Feb. 4 MBTI: Discover Your Myers-Briggs Type Microsoft Teams
Feb. 5 5 Voices Series (2 of 5) Microsoft Teams
Feb. 6 Radical Candor Webinar Series (3 of 3) Microsoft Teams
Feb. 11 Progressive Discipline Microsoft Teams
Feb. 11 Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Ignite Everyone's Intelligence - Webinar Series (1 of 5) Microsoft Teams
Feb. 12 5 Voices Series (3 of 5) Microsoft Teams
Feb. 18 Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Ignite Everyone's Intelligence - Webinar Series (2 of 5)
Microsoft Teams
Feb. 19 5 Voices Series (4 of 5) Microsoft Teams
Feb. 25 Speed of Trust Series (1 of 5) Microsoft Teams
Feb. 25 Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Ignite Everyone's Intelligence - Webinar Series (3 of 5)
Microsoft Teams
Feb. 26 5 Voices Series (5 of 5) Microsoft Teams
Last Modified on Jan 22, 2025