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Facilities Management

About Facilities Management

The Office of Facilities Management directs management, operations and maintenance of 2.5 million square feet of space in 23 major state buildings valued at $690 million. Primary buildings include the State Capitol, Governor’s Mansion and the office buildings in the Capitol Complex. OFM maintains approximately 150 landscaped acres within the State Capitol Park and Mansion grounds.

Building Security Note

Depending upon the Oklahoma Homeland Security Level, visitors to OMES buildings may be required to present photo identification, sign in and be escorted. Your bags and parcels may be searched.

Deferred Maintenance

In 2024, the state Legislature allocated $56.25 million to the OMES Eight-year Deferred Maintenance Plan for vital capital improvements to be performed on state-owned buildings in FY 2025. Unfortunately, facilities have not been adequately maintained since the 1980s as a result of limited funding. The current infrastructure debt is more than $100 million and the total funding need to perform all capital repairs is $350 million. 

 The plan projects are prioritized by potential impact on building operations while construction has been scheduled based on priority and severity. Phase one projects were chosen based on their substantial impact on agencies and the likelihood of experiencing maintenance failures within the next few years.  The status of all deferred maintenance projects can be viewed on the Statewide Transparency and Reporting, or STAR, website


Provide a safe, comfortable workspace through quality facilities and responsive service.


OFM is committed to maintaining, and operating its owned/leased facilities in an energy efficient and sustainable manner that strives to achieve a balance that will realize high standards of space in an economically viable manner consistent with agency missions. In doing so and where appropriate, we encourage the use of life cycle concepts, performance measurement and verification methods that utilize good science and lead to sustainable buildings. Establish and follow a common set of sustainable guiding principles for integrated design, energy performance, water conservation, indoor environmental quality and materials aimed at helping state agencies:

  • Reduce the total ownership/lease cost facilities;
  • Improve energy efficiency and water conservation;
  • Provide safe, healthy, and productive operated/leased environments; and,
  • Promote sustainable environmental stewardship.

Communication Standards

OMES Capital Assets Management (CAM) understands the value and importance of staying informed. As you are aware, we have made many improvements in the way we do business and will continue to strive for excellence in all we do. With many improvements and announcements forthcoming, we want to keep you, our customers, informed throughout the year.

Therefore, CAM will utilize a minimum of three of the following methods to socialize these improvements going forward:

CAM Newsletter – distributed on the fourth Wednesday of each month.

Listening sessions – will be regularly scheduled, plus an additional session when an impactful improvement is made.

Email announcements – when revisions are made to processes.

Doing Business with CAM – annual training and information sessions focusing on CAM services and operations.


Capital Assets Management

Facilities Management
1915 N. Stiles Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Phone: 405-521-3395
Email: David John

Common Carrier or U.S. Postal Delivery

Capital Assets Management
Facilities Management
2222 N. Walnut Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Last Modified on Mar 06, 2025
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