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Behavioral Health Case Management

Behavioral Health Case Management is a process that includes planned linkage, advocacy and referral assistance provided in partnership with a consumer, family members, law enforcement personnel, community agencies and other supports as defined by the consumer. An ODMHSAS Certified Behavioral Health Case Manager works with the consumer and their identified supports, in accordance with a treatment plan developed with and approved by the recipient and qualified staff to reach the consumer's goals to remain successful in their recovery. 

Steps to Certification

There are two levels for Behavioral Health Case Management Certification in Oklahoma as detailed below and in the Chapter 50 Standards and Criteria Administrative Rules:

Certified Behavioral Health Case Manager I Criteria:

  1. High school diploma or equivilent and
  2. A total of 6 months of direct, documented experience working with persons who live with mental illness and/or substance abuse issues.


Certified Behavioral Health Case Manager II Criteria:

  1. High school diploma or equivilent and a total of 36 months of direct, documented experience working with persons who live with mental illness and/or substance abuse issues; or
  2. 60 college credit hours in any field and 12 months of behavioral health experience; or
  3. Bachelor's or Master's degree in any field with 6 months of Behavioral Health experience; or
  4. Bachelor's or MAster's Degree in a Behavioral Health field; or
  5. RN with Behavioral Health Experience

To complete the Behavioral Health Case Management Certification you MUST be employed by an agency that is certified by the Oklahoma Health Care Authority or ODMHSAS to provide Case Management Services. These requirements are also outlined in the Chapter 50 Standards and Criteria Administrative Rules.

BHCM Certification Walkthrough

View the steps required for BHCM Certification

Contact Information

Shayla Williams
ODMHSAS - Case Management Training Specialist

Ramona Gregory
ODMHSAS - Administrative Officer
Office: 405-248-9334
Fax: 405-366-2304

Oklahoma Health Care Authority
Direct Line: 405-522-6205
Claims Line: 1-800-522-0114


Case Management Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

As of September 1, 2024 there were changes made to the Chapter 50 Administrative Rules that impacted requirements for Behavioral Health Case Management certification. Below you will find important information regarding these changes.