Agency | Housing Point of Contact | Email Address | |||||
Autism Foundation of Oklahoma | Matt DeCico | | |||||
CACMHC | Nicole Young | | |||||
Catalyst | Shawna Ward | | |||||
COCMHC | Melissa Barnett | | |||||
Cope | Ashley Edmonson | | |||||
CREOKS | Kristi Boydston | | |||||
CRS | Heather Sisson | | |||||
CTI | Dustin Bryan | | |||||
FCS | Kathy Loehr | | |||||
Gateway to Prevention | Kelsey Dye | | |||||
GRAND/GRAND ARC | Denise Phelps | | |||||
Green Country | Krissy Jones | | |||||
Griffin | Mia Anderson | | |||||
Hope | Angela Wernke and Nora Castillo | | |||||
Human Skills | Amber Bible | | |||||
Jordan's Crossing | Tammy McKee | | |||||
JTCMHC | Cordelia Jacobi | | |||||
Lighthouse | Katrina Gonzalez | | |||||
Mental Health Association Oklahoma (OKC) | Shelah Farley | | |||||
Mental Health Association Oklahoma (Tulsa) | Izetta Gibson | | |||||
Monarch | Melissa Rogers | | |||||
NCBH | Kim Keepers | | |||||
Norman Care-A-Van | Russell Rice | | |||||
Northcare | Mary McMiller | | |||||
NWTC | Kristen Harris | | |||||
OCARTA | Brandi Vore | | |||||
OCCIC | Courtney Corner | | |||||
OCRU | Courtney Corner | | |||||
ODMHSAS Care Coordination Team | Care Coordination Team | | |||||
ODMHSAS Re-Entry (DOC only) | Stephanie Cottrell | | |||||
Palmer | Christie Scyffore | | |||||
People Inc | Shellie Poindexter | | |||||
Pivot | Jennifer Goodrich | | |||||
Providence | Angela Tucker | | |||||
RRBHS | Johnny Sanders | | |||||
Sangha | Travis Anderson | | |||||
Sisu | Lenora Lavictorie | | |||||
SOTS | Hunter Rambo | | |||||
Stigler Health and Wellness/Oaks | Danielle Bowers | | |||||
TCBH | Ashley Hill | | |||||
Transition House | Amanda Sherf | | |||||
TRC | Charles Eckhart | | |||||
Youth and Family Services Enid | Jacie Mitschelen | | |||||
The Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) maintains a strong commitment to both the provision of housing and housing support services and advocacy for increased housing options for people with mental illness and/or addiction disorders.
ODMHSAS funds, both directly and through collaborative grant efforts, a variety of housing services and services targeted at assisting homeless individuals and families:
Homeless Services
Learn more about services specific to the homeless population
Runaway and Homeless Youth Services
Learn more about services specific to runaway and homeless youth
Recovery-Based Housing
Learn more about services specific to recovery-based housing
ODMHSAS funds, both directly and through collaborative grant efforts, a variety of housing services and services targeted at assisting homeless individuals and families.
Intensive Outreach and Navigation (ION)
Intensive Outreach and Navigation (ION) assists individuals discharging as homelessness from designated ODMHSAS crisis units and inpatient mental health facilities. This program provides individuals with immediate independent housing, engages them with intensive recovery support services, connects them with community mental health treatment with the goal of obtain and sustaining permanent supportive housing To learn more or make a referral, contact Kayla Mills.
Safe Haven
Safe Haven programs are a place of temporary shelter for a homeless person with mental illness; however, the length of stay is not defined and can be long term. Safe Haven services assist homeless persons to build relationships with mental health service providers, access community programs and facilitate the eventual transition to permanent housing.
Permanent Supported Housing
Supported Transitional Housing programs are temporary transitional group apartments or other residential settings with staff available as needed (not 24-hour on-site supervision). These programs are intended to assist residents with acquisition of skills necessary to transition to an independent living situation.
Amy Barnett, MS, BHWC, BHCM II
Community Housing Director
Red Rock BHS
2619 N Harvey
OKC, OK 73103
Office: (405) 525-3959 ext. 2404
Cell: (405) 435-6223
PFS Transitional Living Program for Re-entry Individuals
PFS Transitional Living Program for Re-entry Individuals: This is supported transitional living program using a scattered site model offered in NE and North Central Oklahoma for individuals exiting Department of Corrections or have had recent criminal justice involvement.Contact information is Grand Lake Mental Health Services, Denise Phelps, at:
Denise Phelps, BHCM,BHWC,CPRSS
Housing Coordinator
Grand Lake Mental Health Center
325 South Ash Street
Nowata, OK 74048
918-256-6476 ext. #2245
Discharge Planning Subsidy Program
The Discharge Planning Housing Subsidy Program provides funds used to assist very low-income individuals (age 18 and older) with mental illness or co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse disorders who are discharging from psychiatric inpatient care, Department of Corrections, or aging out of the foster care system, with accessing and maintaining decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable housing. To facilitate access to such housing, program funds are used to provide time-limited assistance to eligible applicants with housing costs such as rent, utility costs, rent deposits and utility deposits. The amount and type of assistance are determined based on individual income level and identified need. Discharging facilities must make the referral for this assistance prior to discharge. Contact Andru Dallaly for more information.
Residential Care Facilities (RCF)
Residential Care Facilities (RCF) provide housing and supports for individuals with a mental illness, age 18 and older and is our highest level of community based housing. RCFs provide 24- hour supportive assistance to include physical exercise, daily living skills, and socialization activities with the hope to be a stepping stone to independent living in the future.
Transitional Housing
Supervised Transitional Living programs are supervised places of temporary transitional residence for mental health consumers needing on-site support twenty-four hours a day. These programs are intended to assist residents with stabilization and acquisition of skills necessary to transition to an independent living situation.
Supported Transitional Housing programs are temporary transitional group apartments or other residential settings with staff available as needed (not 24-hour on-site supervision). These programs are intended to assist residents with acquisition of skills necessary to transition to an independent living situation.
Housing Plus Endorsement
Housing Plus Endorsement is enhanced training in housing best practices. There are five required trainings: Housing First 101, CoC and Coordinated Entry, How to Work with Housing Authorities, Fair Housing and the Seven Protected Classes, and Eviction Prevention. This endorsement indicates that you are trained as a housing specialist and can be added to peer support services and case management certifications. You can find all of these trainings and all housing and IPS related trainings on the Training Institute under HIPS. This endorsement does require annual CEUs to remain valid. To learn more about this endorsement, please contact Tiajuan Miller.