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Criminal Justice

ODMHSAS has undertaken a variety of initiatives to promote a Smart on Crime approach to criminal justice challenges resulting from untreated mental health and substance use issues.  These initiatives provide resources to courts and other criminal justice partners, local law enforcement, Oklahoma communities, families and individual seeking help.

Smart on Crime

The concept of Smart on Crime is to address mental illness and addiction at any number of diversion points:

  • Prevention/Pre-Booking
  • Initial Detention/At Booking
  • Post-Booking/Initial Hearing
  • At Disposition/Sentencing
  • While Incarcerated
  • Reintegration

By engaging individuals in the right services before they experience adverse behavior that leads to criminal justice system involvement, at the earliest possible time once they enter the criminal justice system, while incarcerated and/or when they exit incarceration, we can avoid a continuance of future negative actions and successfully restore that person’s ability to be a successful and contributing community member.

ODMHSAS Smart on Crime Initiative

ODMHSAS has developed a multistage model of resources needed to reduce Oklahoma’s growing incarceration rate by appropriately screening, diverting and providing the right treatment services for individuals engaged in the criminal justice system due to untreated mental illness and substance use. The potential effectiveness of this model has been verified by independent studies confirming its merits and ability to successfully help the state to avoid millions in future costs once fully funded and implemented.  Parts of this plan are currently in action throughout the state and are returning incredible results.  The initiative has been endorsed by numerous law enforcement and community organizations (including the 2008 Oklahoma Academy Town Hall), including:

  • The Oklahoma District Attorney’s Council
  • The Oklahoma Sheriff's Association
  • The Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police
  • The Academy for State Goals
  • The Oklahoma Turning Point Council
  • The City of Oklahoma City
  • The City of Midwest City
  • Available Criminal Justice Programs and Resources

The Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) funds many programs along the criminal justice continuum.  Each has the goal of providing quick access to care in order to divert individuals from moving deeper into the criminal justice system and decrease the likelihood of future involvement.

Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT) – The CIT program is a community effort providing specialized training to law enforcement officers so that they can better respond to situations involving individuals experiencing a mental health crisis.  It is an innovative, police-based first-responder model designed to help persons with mental health or addiction treatment needs access medical care rather than a jail cell.  This training initiative promotes officer safety and the safety of the individual in crisis, aids in family communications and creates strong partnerships between law enforcement and the treatment community. Since 2002, approximately 1,200 law enforcement officers have been trained across Oklahoma. For more information on CIT opportunities, contact Cory Sutton at

Law Enforcement Training – Law enforcement training is offered by ODMHSAS staff to fulfill CLEET continuing education needs.  Classes can be offered from an existing course list or tailored to the needs of agencies. For more information on Law Enforcement Training opportunities, contact Cory Sutton at

Training – ODMHSAS offers many training opportunities throughout the year ranging from half-day, workshops on specific best practices to the two-day annual Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health Conference each fall.  For communities or programs looking for individualized help for their needs, the ODMHSAS offers customized criminal justice technical assistance at no cost.  Examples of commonly requested technical assistance include community system mapping to identify barriers and gaps in the diversion system or conducting analysis of criminal justice data to identify trends and inform local policy. For more information regarding training and technical assistance, click here.  

Training and Technical Assistance