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IT Statutory and Regulatory Reporting

Executive state agencies are required by certain statutes and regulations to provide IT-related reports to the CIO.

The Information Technology Consolidation and Coordination Act and Oklahoma Administrative Code mandate the Office of Management and Enterprise Services require state agencies to provide certain IT-related reports.

Please view State Agency IT Statutory and Regulatory Reporting Requirements to CIO memorandum for more information.

OMES has created online forms to ensure all necessary reports and information are submitted timely. We appreciate your agency’s accurate reporting of IT assets, IT positions and other necessary information that assists OMES in continuing to deliver quality, cost effective and secure information technology services for the state.

IT Statutory and Regulatory Reporting Online

The IT statutory and regulatory reporting online form standardizes the process for submitting reports and helps you monitor the status of your organization’s IT reports.


Please review the information and document below for how to register and use the IT statutory and regulatory reporting form and application.


Please view the templates to begin collecting data for your agency IT reporting. Once templates are completed please use the IT statutory and regulatory reporting online form to submit completed templates. This will allow you to monitor the status of IT reports you have submitted.

Last Modified on Jul 15, 2024
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