OAC 260:115-5-13 - Authorized signatures for state agency procurement
- State agencies shall provide the State Purchasing Director with a current Authorized Signature Form. The form shall be dated and identify the name, title, and signature of those individuals designated by the appointing authority to sign and approve requisitions, sole source certifications, change order requests, and surplus property transactions that may be submitted to the State Purchasing Director. To notify the State Purchasing Director a designation no longer exists, the form shall be dated and identify the name and title of those individuals who are no longer designated by the appointing authority to sign and approve requisitions, sole source certifications, change order requests and surplus property transactions. The State Agency shall submit an updated form to the State Purchasing Director within 30 days of any change in the authorized signatures.
- State agencies shall also maintain a list of individuals designated by the appointing authority to sign and approve requisitions, sole source certifications, change order requests, and purchase orders for acquisitions within the agency’s approved acquisition authority. The list shall include the name, title, and signature of each individual, the effective date of their signature authorization and ending date of the authorization, when applicable. The agency shall maintain a file of the signature authority lists in the location of the agency’s centralized procurement records, and shall be available to the State Purchasing Director, upon request.
Associated Statutes
Purchasing Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act
- Other Procurement-Related Statutes in Title 74
- Information Technology Procurement
- IT Procurement-Related Statutes in Title 62
- Pay for Success Act
- Oklahoma Correctional Industries Procurement-Related Statute
- OMES Procurement-Related Administrative Rules
- Procurement-Related Caselaw
- Procurement-Related Attorney General Opinions
- Procurement Information Memorandums