OAC 260:115-11-7 - Security
- Use of any State Purchase Card authorized by the State Purchasing Director is limited to the person whose name is embossed on the card. The card shall not be loaned to another person.
- The cardholder shall ensure the State Purchase Card is kept in a secure manner and the State Purchase Card account number on the card is not posted or left in a conspicuous place.
- The state entity is responsible for maintaining adequate security of State Purchase Card account numbers and related information.
Associated Statutes
Purchasing Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act
- Other Procurement-Related Statutes in Title 74
- Information Technology Procurement
- IT Procurement-Related Statutes in Title 62
- Pay for Success Act
- Oklahoma Correctional Industries Procurement-Related Statute
- OMES Procurement-Related Administrative Rules
- Procurement-Related Caselaw
- Procurement-Related Attorney General Opinions
- Procurement Information Memorandums