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School Performance Reviews

The Oklahoma Legislature has authorized the Office of Educational Quality and Accountability (OEQA) to conduct comprehensive performance reviews aimed at evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of certain school districts’ budgets and operations. These reviews are mandated under 70 O.S.§ 3-118.1 and are designed to offer district leadership valuable guidance in key areas such as financial management, personnel allocations, funding strategies, and initiatives aimed at enhancing student learning outcomes.

OEQA commits to empowering districts to make informed decisions that optimize resources for the benefit of students. By identifying areas where financial resources can be reallocated effectively, districts can not only streamline their operations but also channel resources towards classroom expenses, teacher salaries and enriching programs such as athletics, music, and other initiatives that directly impact student experiences and opportunities.

Criteria of Eligibility

Any district meeting at least one of the following criteria is eligible to engage in a performance review:

  1. Administrative service costs are above the expenditure limits established for school districts.
  2. Total expenditures are in excess of the district’s adopted budget.
  3. The district academic performance data score is below the state average academic performance data.
  4. A request for a review is submitted by the Governor or State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
  5. The district percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals is above the state average.
  6. The district’s board of education submitted a request for a performance review subsequent to a majority vote.

Review Costs

OEQA covers 100% of the review costs for districts meeting any of the first five criteria. For districts meeting criteria six, OEQA covers 75% of the review costs, with districts responsible for the remaining 25%.

If you are interested in a school performance review for your district or need more information about this program and its benefits, please contact

Last Modified on Apr 30, 2024