Systems of Care
Oklahoma Systems of Care is a state-wide collaborative network involving members of local communities, organizations, agencies, facilities, centers and groups that serve the needs of children, youth, and young adults.

Programs within Systems of Care:
These programs help to categorize services, but Systems of Care is a comprehensive network that works meet the needs for all Oklahoma families. All of these programs work within the 5 core values of Systems of Care: Community Based, Trauma Informed, Culturally Responsive, Youth Guided, and Family Driven.
Wraparound / Coordinated Services
Oklahoma Systems of Care currently has two service tiers – Wraparound and Service Coordination:
- Wraparound is an intensive service model that uses strength based approaches to allow family members to be heard and address their needs using resources and supports in their local community.
- Service Coordination is a service model designed for children, youth, and young adults with behavioral health issues that do not rise to the same level of intensity required for Wraparound, or for families who qualify for Wraparound but choose not to participate.

Transition Aged Youth

ODMHSAS believes that Oklahoma youth and young adults (transition aged youth) can thrive when they have access to programs, services, and supports that foster physical, mental, emotional health and wellbeing. ODMHSAS partners with treatment service providers who provide treatment and support for emotional, mental, and behavioral health illnesses, imbalances, and disorders, as well as, help for substance use and co-occurring disorders (both mental health and substance use disorders). In addition, we provide access to services and supports for homelessness, juvenile justice, drug court or child welfare issues, long term and out-patient behavioral health services, and first episode psychosis treatment.
Infant and Early Childhood
Babies need safe, stable, nurturing relationships to foster their healthy brain and body development and help them realize their full potential. Early positive relationships with important caregivers, including parents or foster parents, early childhood educators, and other relatives, provides the foundation for babies to develop physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially. Recent research demonstrates the negative impact exposure to toxic stress and other threats can have on both the physical and mental health of infants and toddlers, but these poor outcomes can be improved by supporting positive experiences and strengthening families' skills to care for their young children. Intervening early, reducing or preventing the impact of adverse experiences, and promoting nurturing, responsive environments for all children are the key for lifelong health and wellness.

School-Based Services

ODMHSAS believes that Oklahoma youth and young adults (transition aged youth) can thrive when they have access to programs, services, and supports that foster physical, mental, emotional health and wellbeing. ODMHSAS partners with treatment service providers who provide treatment and support for emotional, mental, and behavioral health illnesses, imbalances, and disorders, as well as, help for substance use and co-occurring disorders (both mental health and substance use disorders). In addition, we provide access to services and supports for homelessness, juvenile justice, drug court or child welfare issues, long term and out-patient behavioral health services, and first episode psychosis treatment.
Contact the Wraparound Team
Contact the Family Youth and Young Adult Team
Contact the Infant and Early Childhood Team