Aging Services
In alignment with the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services' mission "to promote healthy communities and provide the highest quality care to enhance the well-being of all Oklahomans," the Department has established an Aging Services Division. The vision of Aging Services is that all Oklahomans have the opportunity to live and age with behavioral health. A critical step to achieving this is elevating awareness among health/behavioral health/social service providers and the public about aging, behavioral health, and how these intersect.

Led by the work of the Oklahoma Older Adult Behavioral Health Policy Academy and national expert and advocate Karen Orsi, Aging Services established the Behavioral Health Forum on Aging. The Forum seeks to develop an age-informed system of care, inclusive of both practice and policy, that is relevant to the older adults of today and tomorrow. The Forum receives strategic direction from Oklahoma's Older Adult Behavioral Health State Plan.
Several age-informed workforce development trainings are available via the Department at no cost, and with an array of CEs, through the Training Institute for Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use including:
- Aging 101: An Overview for Leadership (1.5 hours)
- Aging 201: A Comprehensive Analysis (6.5 hours)
- How to Use the Geriatric Depression Scale (1.0 hours)
- In partnership with the Wellness and PRSS Team, Peer Recovery Support Specialist with a Focus on Older Adults (6.5 hours)
If you are interested in an adapted training for a college/university, faith-based, or other setting, please contact us.
Additionally, in partnership with Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics, the Department seeks to make the evidence-based PEARLS program available throughout Oklahoma by facilitating access to Coach Training. PEARLS is a community-based program that helps older adults who are living with depression create happier, healthier lives and can be particularly beneficial for those who may have limited access to depression care. Also, through partnership with CCBHCs, the Department supports other Arthritis Appropriate, Evidence-Based Interventions (AAEBI) with the Oklahoma State Department of Health, including Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance and Walk with Ease.

Alisa West Cahill, LSW-Adm.
Aging Manager