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Trauma comes from many sources in our communities. From natural disasters to interpersonal violence, the effects of trauma ripple through our lives, homes, and neighborhoods. Our vision is to foster a trauma informed healthcare system in Oklahoma that prioritizes safety, hope and resiliency in everything and for everyone.
We understand that change begins with each of us. That when we can understand the effects of trauma, and that they are completely natural and even to be expected, we can help ourselves and those we love to heal. We believe that understanding trauma is just the beginning and with trauma informed and specific services we can all discover hopeful endings.
SHARE isn't just a name, but a philosophy. We want to create a community that shares stories of hope, shares ideas and resources for building resilience, and above all shares the information and tools necessary to create safety, in our lives and in our communities. SHARE will help to battle the stigma of trauma through helpful resources and education and change the mantra from being told or asked "What is wrong with you?" to being asking "What happened to you?" as well as What didn't happen to or for you?" We hope that you will enjoy the journey and continue to travel with us on the SHARE website.
SHARE: SHARE is more than another program or policy. It's about changing culture, battling stigma, and creating community. Learn a little more about SHARE and how you can SHARE too!
TRAUMA INFORMED AND TRAUMA SPECIFIC SERVICES: What does being trauma informed mean? What are trauma specific services? What does that look like?
HOPE AND RESILIENCE: Stories are powerful. Sharing yours can spark hope. Hearing others can change lives. Everyone has a story, most are just waiting to be heard.
"Trauma is just the beginning" is a free three hour e-learning covering basic trauma informed principles. This training is available to all levels of disciplines.
"Self-Care" is a free one hour e-Learning providing opportunities for learners to understand basic trauma informed principles, and develop their own maintenance and emergency self-care plans.
"Child Trauma Screening: Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen (CATS)" is a free one hour online course that provides information and practice on the administration, scoring, and interpretation of standardized trauma screening (CATS) for youth.