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Children's Behavioral Health Conference

Join us at the Children's Conference, an event dedicated to advancing our understanding of behavioral health and wellness in infants, children, youth, and young adults. Our mission is to broaden the horizons of hope, recovery, and resilience, fostering a deeper understanding of children's mental health.

Conference Highlights:

  • Promote public awareness, addressing misconceptions and dispelling stigmas surrounding children's mental health issues.
  • Encourage early identification of mental health needs within various systems, from preschool to juvenile justice.
  • Advocate for accessible, culturally competent, and scientifically proven services, tailored to the unique strengths and needs of youth and families.

This transformative experience will ensure we nurture hope, recovery, and resilience for our community's youngest members. Embark on a journey toward a brighter and healthier future for our children, making a lasting impact on their mental well-being!

Nominations are now open for the C. V. Ramana Award and the Tallent Advocacy Award which will be presented during the 2025 Children's Behavioral Health Conference on May 13-15, 2025.

These awards recognize outstanding individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and leadership in advancing children's behavioral health and advocacy. We invite you to nominate deserving colleagues who have made a lasting impact in this field.

Submit Your Nominations by March 31st


Normal Rate



On Site Rate


May 13th - 15th, if seats available

hotel accommodations and conference information

Hotel Accommodations

Embassy Suites Convention Center Hotel in Norman, OK will be the venue for this year’s Children's Behavioral Health Conference. A special group rate of $136 per night is available for attendees. To book your room at this rate, use Group Code: B33 when making your reservation. 

For bookings of 10 or more rooms, please contact Embassy Suites in Norman directly to arrange a separate room block. Multiple hotels surround the convention center and may have additional room availability.

Attendance Policy

Participants must attend and participate in a minimum of 90% of any live (in-person or virtual) sessions to be eligible to receive CEU credit. An absence of over 10% will result in a forfeiture of CEU credits of the training in question. Participants who are unable to attend a training for the required time, should select an alternate training session or course. 

Conference FAQs

Additional information concerning CEUS, Certificates and the ODMHSAS Refund/Cancellation Policy

exhibitor information


This year the Children's Behavioral Health Conference is anticipating over 800 attendees and will offer more than 40 available sessions, providing over 16 CEUs per attendee. See below for information on being an exhibitor!

Booth Fees

  • $400 Exhibitor Fee
  • $100 per additional table
  • $100 for electricity

Booth Fee Includes:

  • 8' x 8' area
  • 2 chairs
  • 6' draped table

New Exhibitor Location

This year, all exhibitors will be showcased in a dedicated exhibit space to provide a better experience for attendees and exhibitors alike.



7:30 AM - 9:00 AM Conference Check In
9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Welcome
9:15 AM - 10:30 AM Plenary
Nourishing Young Children's Well-Being - Jeanette Betancourt
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM Break
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Session One
The Brazelton Touchpoints Developmental-Relational Approach: A Framework for Understanding Challenging Behavior, Engaging Families, and Promoting Wellness - Jayne Singer

Family Engagement: What Is It and How to Keep It? - Erin Parks

Pain Turned to Purpose - Generation Why

Engaging Youth and Family Voice in Early Psychosis and Clinical High Risk Programs - Megan Sage, Karma Clarke

12:15 PM - 1:45 PM Lunch On Your Own
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM

Session 2
An Introduction to Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) and Mental Illness (MI) - Zipporah Levi-Shackleford

Wraparound: A Mantle of Strength - Nancy Falcon, Gerri Mullendore, Brandi Shearer, Euwanda Sayles, Tina Sexton, Mary Hicks

Navigating Trauma-Informed Conversations with Children in Crisis - Carolyn Thomas

Bad Kids Don't Exist: How Accelerated Childhood and Adult Expectations Have Created a Misunderstood Generation - Stuart Perry

How to Be An Effective Advocate - Joe Dorman

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM Break
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Session 3
When Two Worlds Collide: Ethical Management of Parent(s) and Youth with Differing Treatment Goals - Laurie Conaty