Tobacco Cessation

Treating nicotine dependence is a life saving measure that is a critical component of holistic, personalized treatment planning. Persons being treated for substance use disorders often want to quit tobacco and want help with quitting. Research indicates that treating nicotine dependence does not appear to negatively impact the treatment of alcohol and other drugs. It has been established that the treatment of such so-existing disorders can be accomplished successfully.
Providers can help clients become tobacco free by using the 5 A's strategies for treating tobacco use dependence:
- Ask about client's tobacco use at every encounter.
- Advise them to quit tobacco.
- Assess the client's readiness and willingness to quit;
- Assist the client with the quit attempt by providing medication and counseling;
- Arrange for follow up visits to assure compliance and provide additional support.
Providers can also refer clients to the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline, 1-800-QUIT NOW (784-8669) for free support.
Consumers who are ready to quit can talk with their provider about options for quitting tobacco and get the support and medication needed for a successful quit.
The Tobacco Cessation Project is a technical assistance program of the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services that assists service systems and direct-service providers with the design and implementation of evidence-based tobacco cessation interventions within the agencies and organizations funded by the department. The project is made available through a partnership with the Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust and the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
For More Information Contact:
Jae Jackson McConnell, MS, CTTS
Behavioral Health and Wellness Manager
1200 N.E. 13th
PO Box 53277
Oklahoma City, OK 73152-3277
Office (405) 248-9224 | Mobile (405) 227-1164