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Oklahoma Regional Epidemiology Outcomes Workgroup (REOW)/Community Data Workgroup (CDW)

The REOWs composed of network of agencies, organizations and individuals with interest and knowledge about prevention of substance misuse, mental, and behavioral disorders. These workgroups include diverse stakeholders in the region with experience and knowledge working with data and how to access these data sources. Members also play an important role throughout the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) process and other community evidence-based preventive approach.

Members of the workgroup support and collaborate with Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and communities to: Collect, analyze and report data related to substance use, mental and behavioral disorders; integrate findings into ongoing assessment, planning and evaluation process; and identify and address data gaps. Members also facilitate communication between individuals and agencies working at the state level and local levels, and exchange ideas to address substance-related problems.

The workgroup will use findings as resources and present findings to community’s members, partners, and coalitions.The overall goal is to use data to inform and enhance community and state decisions regarding substance use, mental and behavioral disorders prevention programs, practices, and policies, to promote positive wellbeing.

REOW/CDW Data-Related Trainings and Materials



Additional Resources


Vi Pham
(405) 248-9153

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