Guidance Documents
Sesame Street - Handwashing for Kids: Video | Short Story | Coloring Sheet
Sesame Street - Caring for Each Other
Generations United - COVID-19 Fact Sheet for Grandfamilies and Multigenerational Families
Boston Children's Hospital - HealthMap: Tracking COVID-19 in Real Time
ChildMind - Supporting Families During COVID-19 - Spanish translations available
Home Safety Council - Think Safe Be Safe: Create Your Hands-On Home Safety Checklist
FCS - Family and Children’s Services in Tulsa is offering a COVID 24/7 telephone helpline and weekly virtual support groups for parents and teachers.
Resources to Help at Home
Scholastic - For students at most grade levels, from prekindergarten to Grades 6 or higher. Each level features five days-worth of content for three hours a day, with 15 additional days on the way.
Discovery Education - Virtual Field Trips
Google Arts & Education - Virtual Fieldtrips to Parks and International Museums
Sesame Street - Fun at Home! Youtube videos
PBS Kids - Sesame Street Free On-Demand Recent Episodes
Barnes and Noble - Free E-Books from Sesame Street
Cosmic Kids Yoga - Yoga adventures for kids that use stories they can relate to
Alton Brown - Alton Brown's "Pantry Raid" series on Youtube demonstrates various recipes for using shelf safe ingredients to mix up your weekly cooking routine
Long Creations - COVID Time Capsule Activity
Freedom Homeschooling - Virtual Field Trips
Childmind.org - Resources For Learning at Home
OKDHS - 60 Day Childcare Subsidy for Parents During Childcare Search Program
Special Needs and Developmental Disabilities Specific
Wright's Law - The School Closed Suddenly. I Need Help!
Harbor School - Coronavirus Social Story for Children with Special Needs
Autism Related Resources to Help at Home
Healthline - 5 Important Exercises for Kids with Autism
Autism Speaks - Preparing for "School" With Sleep and Structure
Advocacy Organizations
OFN | Oklahoma Family Network PO Box 21072 Oklahoma City, OK 73156-1072 Tel: 405-271-5072 or Tel: 877-871-5072 Contact: Joni Bruce Will be having webinars on self-care | http://oklahomafamilynetwork.org/about-us/contact-us/ |
UCEDD | Center for Learning and Leadership UCEDD University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center PO Box ROB 342 Oklahoma City, OK 73126-0901 Tel: 405-271-4500-Ext 41002 Contact Person: Melissa Fenrick | https://ouhsc.edu/thecenter/ |
OAN | Oklahoma Autism Network University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 1200 North Stonewall Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73117 Tel: 405-271-7476 or Tel: 877-228-8476 Contact: Rene’ Daman | https://okautism.org/ |
NAMI-OK | NAMI OK 3812 N Santa Fe Ave, Suite 305 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Tel: 1-800-583-1264 Contact: Andrea Michaels | https://www.namioklahoma.org/ |
PHP | Parents Helping Parents No address listed 405-550-7326 Contact: Becky O’Dell Has virtual meeting/Support groups for parents | https://www.parentshelpingparents.info/ |
Zero to Three | Zero to Three: For families with young children | www.zerotothree.org |
SCD | Sprouts Child Development: Tulsa Based partner that provides reliable early childhood resources, developmental assessments and connections to early intervention services. | https://sproutsdevelopment.com/ |
SPTSUSA | The mission of the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide is to reduce the number of youth suicides and attempted suicides by encouraging public awareness through the development and promotion of educational training programs. | https://www.sptsusa.org/ |
ICS | Infant Crisis Services, Inc. Donald W. Reynolds Center 4224 N. Lincoln Blvd. OKC, OK 73105 Tel: 405-528-3663 Office hours have changed: In an effort to keep our staff safe and provide sustainable services, we are limiting our service hours to 9:30am - 2:30pm Monday - Friday. If you know of someone needing services, please have them call 405-528-3663 between 9am - 2pm weekdays and we will schedule a same-day appointment. We are not able to serve families during other times, so please encourage everyone to call ahead before they come. |
https://www.infantcrisis.org/�?? |
Children's Safety Network | The Children’s Safety Network works with state and jurisdiction Maternal & Child Health and Injury & Violence prevention programs to create an environment in which all infants, children, and youth are safe and healthy. Our goal is to equip states and jurisdictions to strengthen their capacity, utilize data and implement effective strategies to make reductions in injury-related deaths, hospitalizations, and emergency department visits. | https://www.childrenssafetynetwork.org |
ChildMind.org | The No. 1 online resource for children's mental health information | https://childmind.org/ Spanish translations available |