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Frequently Asked Questions regarding RFP 781


Supplies to support staff working directly on County Community Safety Investment Fund, funded services is allowable. Supplies include the reasonable costs to support work including desktop, laptop, pens, and basic office supplies.

Capital expenditures for equipment and furnishings including desks, chairs, construction costs, etc. are unallowable costs.

Before development of any technology platforms, such as the creation of a phone-based application, the county shall consider how the proposed project fits within the service guidelines of the RFP (ex. how it is expanding current available services) and be able to demonstrate due diligence confirming that similar, proven technology solutions do not already exist.

Yes, as long as the licenses' use is directly connected to the services and programs funded under the RFP.

All counties are reminded that purchases or contracts of any kind shall follow established county purchasing standards, including standards related to selection of vendors, purchasing approvals, and retention of records.

Fiscal Year

The counties will submit invoices for the full amount in equal monthly allotments. For FY24, the monthly invoice will be the total amount divided by the months remaining in FY24. For example, if a county's award occurred in Feb, they would bill equal amounts for five months which is through the end of FY24 (award amount divided by 5).

No. Counties can use the funds in the following fiscal year. The full bid amount, however, must be invoiced down in the current FY. For example, if a county invoices in May (SFY24) but those funds aren't used for program expenses until August (SFY25) that is acceptable as long as the funds are used to carry out the project as written in the approved application.

No new bid will be needed for FY25. Counties will receive the same amount for FY25 that was awarded in FY24. New binders (contracts) will be issued to all counties that had an approved bid. Starting in July of 2024, Counties will invoice monthly at 1/12th of the full amount of the awarded bid.

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