Oklahoma County Crisis Stabilization Units
Population Served: 18+ Years Old
The Oklahoma County Crisis Stabilization Units are currently comprised of two facilities: the Oklahoma County Crisis Intervention Center (OCCIC) and the Oklahoma Crisis Recovery Unit (OCRU). OCCIC and OCRU are crisis centers owned and operated by the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. OCCIC provides crisis intervention and emergency assessments to those experiencing mental health and substance abuse crises on the Urgent Recovery Center. OCCIC also has a 16-bed short-term crisis stabilization unit for those meeting emergency detention criteria according to Title 43A. OCRU is a 16-bed short term crisis stabilization unit for those coming from OCCIC's Urgent Recovery Center meeting emergency detention criteria.

Lauren Stover, Executive Director OCCIC/OCRU
"The Oklahoma County Crisis Stabilization Units opened as Oklahoma's first crisis center in 1987. The Urgent Recovery Center (URC) at OCCIC was the first URC to open in the state of Oklahoma in 2013 and is now paving the way for more URCs to open, providing life-saving treatment. The URC is often the first door and sometimes last option for those in need of mental health and substance abuse services. OCCIC/OCRU staff strive to provide trauma-informed care according to the individual's needs while evolving with best practice care and standards. We are compassionate and proud to be able to serve those in need, providing them a safe place while transforming their lives and connecting them to further resources in the community."
OCCIC/OCRU are both located in Central Oklahoma City, minutes away from the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds, Scissortail Park, Oklahoma City Zoo, Science Museum Oklahoma, Bricktown Ballpark and more. Shop and support local boutiques and restaurants in some of our many districts such as Plaza District, Midtown and the Historic Stockyards.

OCCIC/OCRU are proud to partner with our local Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) in ensuring appropriate care coordination as well as other community providers such as Mental Health Association, Homeless Alliance, OCARTA, DBSA, NAMI and residential substance abuse facilities throughout the state.
OCCIC/OCRU Visitation

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, OCCIC/OCRU visitation is currently suspended. Executive Management is in the process of implementing a tele-visitation program.
OCCIC/OCRU are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.

Internships/Fellowships/Continuing Education
OCCIC/OCRU accept two counseling interns a semester, up to four interns a year.