Griffin Memorial Hospital
Population Served: 18+ Years Old

Griffin Memorial Hospital is a 120 bed acute psychiatric hospital serving persons age 18 and over with severe mental illness. GMH is a teaching hospital and offers a four-year training program for physicians preparing to be board-certified in psychiatry and neurology. The hospital is certified to provide services for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, and is accredited by The Joint Commission and the Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality. The hospital accepts third-party insurance payments. GMH has 350+ staff members dedicated to serving Oklahomans with inpatient and outpatient services.
Who We Serve
Griffin Memorial Hospital provides in-patient hospital care for those in need of mental health & substance abuse services. We work with each person to identify specific needs and provide appropriate treatment. Shortly after admission, an individual begins to work with staff to complete a thorough physical, emotional, behavioral and social evaluation. They will become part of a treatment team that includes the individual and trained staff from psychiatry, social work, psychology, activities and nursing services. Based on the evaluations, a comprehensive treatment plan is developed to meet identified needs. This multi-disciplinary assessment and treatment approach is used throughout the hospital stay.
Information for Consumers, Families, Friends and the Community

Griffin Memorial Hospital was originally started as High Gate College, a girls' school established by the United Methodist Church, South in 1890, one year after the settlement of Norman. With competition from the University of Oklahoma, High Gate College closed its doors in early 1895 and was soon bought by the Oklahoma Sanitarium Company. In 1915, the State of Oklahoma bought the Oklahoma Sanitarium Company and renamed the institution Central State Hospital. In 1953, the hospital was renamed Griffin Memorial Hospital. Under the supervision of Dr. David Griffin, the hospital grew to over 30 buildings and three farms in its first 40 years. With a change in institutional care in the 1960s, the state built a Community Health Care Center on the hospital grounds.
Visiting Information
Visitation is primarily by phone and Zoom. Visiting in-person will be determined as we transition from the COVID-19 emergency.

Griffin Memorial Hospital is accredited by The Joint Commission and the Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality.